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Latest News from the College
Term: Green Schools
45 post(s) found

Student Council Promote Litter Picking

Nov 23 2021
Our Student Council recently decided to help out in our combat against litter here in Presentation College.  A competition was launched to see who could come up with the best idea and Kelly in Second Year won a One4All voucher for her idea to try and include as many students as possible in helping to keep our beautiful school grounds clean. On Monday, she was helped by Sammy.  A big thank you to their first helpers: First Years, Karina, Rory, Byron and Leo, who had a very big litter haul under a beautiful blue sky.  Student Council are also looking forward to the arrival of new litter bins to help in the fight against littering.  We hope students will realise how important it is to use the litter bins provided and to protect our environment.


Cycle Training

Nov 09 2021
Twenty four Fifth Year students took part in and enjoyed the first day of the Cycle Right programme run by South East Cycling Safety and supported by the Green Schools initiative.

New Bike Shelter

Sep 24 2021

We are delighted to have a wonderful new facility for staff, students and the many groups who use our school facilities outside of school hours. We would encourage people to avail of the facility and to consider cycling even once a week.


Cycle Survey

Mar 11 2021
Abby one of our #andshecycles Ambassadors, along with classmates Leia, Arturo and Daniel surveyed one hundred students to find out information relating to cycling. Click on the heading to read more. 

Second Green Flag Awarded

Oct 15 2020
Congratulations to our Green School Committee and members of the wider school community. We have been awarded our second Green Flag and this year we will be working on the 'Travel Theme'. We have already had a visit from the Travel Officer and she was delighted to see the many bikes parked in the bike parking areas. We have applied for covered parking and hope this will encourage more staff and students to cycle to school. This year as students may wear their PE uniform on PE days, we are hoping that more girls will consider cycling. 

Green Flag Awarded

May 08 2020

We are delighted to inform you that our application for the renewal of our Green Flag has been successful. Unfortunately, due the current situation, there will be no Green-Schools Awards Ceremonies this year. As soon the school re-opens we will celebrate with a flag raising in Presentation College. Congratulations to the committee, and all members of our school community on this achievement.

Solar Powered Water Coolers

Feb 18 2020

An enterprising group of Transition Years have just entered a competition organised by Friends of the Earth in a bid to win Solar Panels for our school. The team is comprised of Shauna Murphy Woods, Tegan Sherry, Emily Jane Kendellon and Cyprian Godyn. We are hoping to be shortlisted and if so will need everyone’s votes to ensure that “Solar Powered Water Coolers” become a reality for everyone using the College.

Green Schools News

Jan 21 2020

January began with our very active Green Schools Committee tackling the litter on part of the N80.....Our committee meets every Wednesday at lunchtime and new members are always welcome.
