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Latest News from the College
Term: Green Schools
45 post(s) found

Mountain Biking

Sep 21 2022
Cody (Fifth Year) is currently in 2nd place in the Irish National Downhill Mountainbike Series (IDMS). He is competing this weekend in the final round of the IDMS at Glencullen Adventure Park. This year he competed in races across the country from Rostrevor, Co. Down to Shronaboy Farm, Killlarney. Cody is a member of Bree Racing MTB Club. He races Enduro and Downhill.  Downhill is definitely his favourite.  Wishing Cody the best of luck this weekend.

Puncture Repair Workshop

May 12 2022
As part of our Green Schools campaign to increase cycling, workshops were organised for groups of students from First to Fifth Year. These were given by Chiara Hanrahan - Travel Officer with Green Schools. The PE Department were very much involved and were delighted to be able to facilitate this workshop for students. Click on heading for photos!


Feb 04 2022

Presentation College has introduced brand new bikes to our PE classes to allow all students to develop their cycling skills and confidence. Our objective is to use them as a non-competitive recreational activity for our students. The bikes will also be used as part of our TY programme to help students learn about bike maintenance.....

Transition Year Cycling

Our three Transition Year Cycling Ambassadors, Anna, Tara and Amy have organised a biking sessions for around fifteen Transition Year girls. This one took place on January 18th from 11.45 - 1.05 . The Ambassadors are organising these with the assistance of Ms Kavanagh as part of their #andshecycles Ambassador Programme. We are delighted to announce that the PE Department have purchased ten bicycles and helmets for students to use in school. We would like to thank the Green Schools Committee for promoting the introduction of cycling to the curriculum. We are currently working on the #Travel Theme.

An Update From The Green Schools Committee

This year, our Green Schools Committee is back up and running, working on the Travel Flag. Our committee first met in early November where we discussed our plan for the year. Our working committee is composed of mainly First, Second and Third Year students as well as our President and Vice-President (both Fifth Year students). We were also delighted to welcome teachers Ms. Dempsey, Mr. Fennell and Ms. Hanley to our committee....

Cycle Safety Programme

Nov 24 2021
Twenty-four Fifth Year students completed the three week Cycle Right programme this week run by South East Cycle safety and supported by the Green Schools initiative. This is our second year working on the  Travel Theme as part of our Green Schools Programme. We have also been successful in becoming an #andshecycles Ambassador school for the second year. We encourage all our new cyclists to 'be a part of the solution, not of the pollution'. Congratulations to Amy, Anna and Tara - our new Cycle Ambassadors. 

