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Latest News from the College

Second Green Flag Awarded

Oct 15 2020

Congratulations to our Green School Committee and members of the wider school community. Presentation College has always been very environmentally aware. Both staff and students have been involved in 'saving the environment' long before we began the An Taisce Programme in 2017. Schools work on a 'Theme' for two years and are then assessed on their progress. We have now been awarded our second Green Flag. The first was for 'Litter and Waste', the second for 'Water' and this year we will be working on the 'Travel Theme'. We have already had a visit from the Travel Officer and she was delighted to see the many bikes parked in the bike parking areas. We have applied for covered parking and hope this will encourage more staff and students to cycle to school. This year as students may wear their PE uniform on PE days, we are hoping that more girls will consider cycling. 

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March 2025