💙💛 This week, Presentation College Carlow’s Prefect Co-ordinator and Prefect Leaders wanted to help Ukrainian families affected by the unfolding of events that are happening at the moment. We decided to offer a collection point in our school for essential items and supplies. We have been overwhelmed by the level of goodness and kindness within our school community including students, staff and their families. People's generosity was an instant reaction and our Prefect Leaders have done an amazing amount of work this week to ensure our school is doing our small part in helping those whose lives have been turned upside down over the last few days. We are keeping Ukrainian families in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time, especially students in our school community who may have family members in Ukraine.
"Together We Are Strong" Today and tomorrow the prefect team are accepting donations to support those suffering from the conflict in the Ukraine. 💙💛

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