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Latest News from the College
Term: Teaching and Learning
120 post(s) found

Visiting Artist for Transition Years

We were delighted to be selected for the BLAST Arts-in-Education Residency Programme, an initiative by the Department of Education. We were paired with artist Sonya Weston. Our Transition Year students had the opportunity to participate in a two-day workshop, where they explored a range of printing techniques. This hands-on experience allowed students to fully engage in the artistic process—something that isn’t always possible within the constraints of the regular school timetable. Click on the heading for more....



Feb 10 2025
Ms Kennedy's Fifth Year Biology class were demonstrating diffusion using food colouring and water. Click on the heading for more photos.

University College Dublin Award

Feb 07 2025
Past student, Julia Dempsey, recipient of the UCD Entrance Scholarship Award at the awards ceremony in University College Dublin with Principal, Ray Murray. Congratulations to Julia and wishing her well with her Health and Performance studies in UCD.

Ceiliúradh CEIST

Today is Ceiliuradh CEIST Day. This week the annual Ceiliuradh CEIST was celebrated throughout the school in Religion classes with activities celebrating themes such as Home, School, Parish & Community. A very special 'Thanks' to Ms Maher for her inspiration and coordination of this wonderful event. ...(Click on the heading for more information and photos).

Trinity College Dublin Award

Past student, Sarah Delaney, recipient of the Trinity Entrance Exhibition Award at the awards ceremony in Trinity College Dublin with Ray Murray, Principal. Congratulations to Sarah and wishing her well in her Physiotherapy studies in TCD!

Festive Baking

Well done to Ms. Barrett's Second Year Home Economics class who completed festive cookery this week - mini chocolate biscuit puddings. Click on the heading for the photos.
