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Latest News from the College
Term: Teaching and Learning
101 post(s) found

Excavating Cookies

First Years were excavating cookies in Ms Kirwan's History class on Friday, putting the practical element of archaeology into practice. They mapped out their cookies first and then carefully excavated as many chocolate chips as they could find (using toothpicks!!) and then recorded their finds in their log books. Click on heading for more photos!

Europe Day

May 9th is Europe Day! Our Second Year CSPE classes have been busy raising awareness. All around the school there are displays and flags. The next European Elections will take place on June 7th. Just click on the heading for more photos!

Fast Fashion Video takes First Place in Regional Finals

A small group of Transition Year students recently took part in the Rubbish Film Festival where they had to create and star in a one minute long video highlighting an environmental issue. The regional finals were on today and Presentation College, Carlow took first place!! Click on the heading for more...
