Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Some of the #Active Learning techniques being used in Ms. Bradley's Science classes. Please click on the title for photos.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge produced some amazing and creative designs from the First Years during their recent 'Fun Day'. The students had to create the tallest free-standing structure in groups of four using a limited amount of marshmallows. Students developed lateral thinking, problem identification, and problem-solving skills while working cooperatively as part of a team. Thanks to Ms Michelle Ryan for facilitating the challenge.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to Doireann Broderick, Abbie Nolan, Niamh Nolan, Seán O’Driscoll and Charlie O’Meara who have been selected to represent Ireland in an International Theatre Project which culminates in a week-long workshop in Berlin next November. All are experienced performers with a keen interest in ....
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Ms. Owens and Ms. Brennan organised Eco Unesco Workshops for their classes last week. Laura-Kate Howell treated the students to hands on Biodiversity Workshops. There was great excitement as students enjoyed Magenta style learning as they collaborated, shared and participated. The highlight was the actual making of their seed balls, which they then were able to bring home. Thanks to Carlow County Council for sponsoring these very educational and enjoyable workshops. The students are looking forward to finding out what grows from their seed balls in the spring and summer.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Learning German through drama and theatre – a perfect combination. We have just found out that Presentation College has been selected to represent Ireland in a collaborative Theatre Poject, which will involve six countries and culminate in a week-long event in Berlin. We will be part of a group of thirty students, who will come from schools in Germany, Denmark, Finland, Scotland, Sweden and Ireland. One school in each country has been chosen by the Goethe Institute to participate.