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Latest News from the College
Term: EU
16 post(s) found

Europe Day

May 9th is Europe Day! Our Second Year CSPE classes have been busy raising awareness. All around the school there are displays and flags. The next European Elections will take place on June 7th. Just click on the heading for more photos!

EPAS Awards 2024

Today Ms. Gibbons and Mr. Carley accompanied a group of students from Second to Fifth Year to the European Parlament Ambassador Schools Awards Ceremony in Cashel. Second Year CSPE classes worked on the programme and representatives from the classes involved attended. Presentation Link

Presentation College Represent Ireland at the European Banking Federation Final in Brussels!

Apr 18 2024
Congratulations to Maria and Lily. They are now in Brussels and have just won the warm up round. Photos will be added as the event progresses. Please click on the heading to see more photos and news -- including the visit of the Queen. Unfortunately the girls didn't place in the top three. First Place: Austria, Second Place: Czech Republic and Third Place: North Macedonia. Ireland came Seventh out of 26 Countries. It was a wonderful experience and we are very proud of them and their teacher Ms Fogarty.

European Money Quiz - First Place in Ireland

Well done to the Twenty-Two Third Year students who participated in the European Money Quiz today. Over a thousand teams in Ireland participated. Huge Congratulations to Maria Miller & Lily O'Connor who came first and now go on to represent Ireland in Brussels in April. Click on the heading for photos.

Our Semaine Française was a Great Success

Our Semaine Française was a great success once again this year in Presentation College, Carlow. From First to Sixth Year every student was encouraged to engage in an array of fun learning activities aimed at promoting the French language and Culture in our school.  Click on the heading for more photos and information.

EPAS Monitoring Visit

Mar 04 2024
On Monday morning we had our EPAS Monitoring visit via Zoom. EPAS stands for European Parliament Ambassador School. Second Years are currently working on their booklets as part of the programme.