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Term: School of Sanctuary
19 post(s) found

Europe Day

May 9th is Europe Day! Our Second Year CSPE classes have been busy raising awareness. All around the school there are displays and flags. The next European Elections will take place on June 7th. Just click on the heading for more photos!

EPAS Awards 2024

Today Ms. Gibbons and Mr. Carley accompanied a group of students from Second to Fifth Year to the European Parlament Ambassador Schools Awards Ceremony in Cashel. Second Year CSPE classes worked on the programme and representatives from the classes involved attended. Presentation Link

Equality Week 2024

Our Student Council in Presentation College spent last week highlighting the importance of equality in our everyday lives. With the help of our Equality Officer Nothabo in Third Year many students took part in a video displaying messages of equality and what it means for each one of us in our school community. All enjoyed the video on Friday morning.. We were reminded that equality is about realising that we all have differences but taking into account that our rights should be the same. Photo: Student Council Members! Click on the heading for more photos.

Third Years Visit 'The Elderflower Garden Club'

Ms Kelly and her Third Year Religion class were delighted to be the first school group to have a guided tour and talk from the fabulous volunteers in The Elderflower Garden Club. The students got lots of useful tips and information for their 'Challenge to Change' and 'Global Citizenship' Projects. Formerly a derelict site behind Avoca House in Carlow, the site has been transformed into an eco-garden where the group grows vegetables and flowers. The pesticide-free garden is managed on sustainable and organic principles. Rainwater is collected on-site and includes a solar-powered water feature, bug hotels, and bird boxes.

The Elderflower Garden Club will be selling their plants and hand made crafts at our Parents’  Council Car-Boot Sale on the 5th of May, 12pm -4pm. All support welcome. Click on heading for more photos.

Equality Week 2024

Our Student Council have been busy marking 'Equality Week 2024'. Some of the quotations on our morning announcements were:  "Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth" "Equality is about realising that we all have differences but taking into account that our rights should be the same." Student Council meeting today (Thursday) in Room 2 at 1:30. All class representatives must attend.