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Latest News from the College
Term: Science
29 post(s) found


Feb 10 2025
Ms Kennedy's Fifth Year Biology class were demonstrating diffusion using food colouring and water. Click on the heading for more photos.

Science Week

Congratulations to our First years who won the colouring competition held during Science week. They are picture here being congratulated  by their Year Head Mr. O'Connor. Click on the heading for more Science Week photos.

Ecology Trip

Sixth Years recently went on a very enjoyable and educational trip to Castlecomer Discovery Park with Ms. Kinsella and Ms. Canning. Click on heading for more photos!

Senior Science Quiz

Nov 18 2022
Three teams represented Presentation College in SETU in the South East Regional Senior #ISTA Science Quiz. While none won on the day, all did very well. Click on the heading for more information and photos. 

Donation to Éist

May 24 2022
Two Fifth Year Agricultural Science students presented a cheque of €4,500 to @ÉistCancer from proceeds of our #Tractor Run. Well done to all involved and a big thank you to our sponsors. 
