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Latest News from the College
Term: Junior Cycle
34 post(s) found

Junior Cycle Results

The SEC can confirm that this year’s Junior Cycle results will be available in schools on Wednesday 18 October 2023.  Junior Cycle candidates can also access their results online from 4 PM on that date.

EPAS Monitoring Visit

Second Years had a monitoring visit via Zoom on Friday. Presentation College is one of the European Parlament Ambassador Schools. Ms. U. Byrne and her CSPE class are preparing for an EU awareness raising day on March 28th. This is in advance of Europe Day on May 9th. Our three Junior Ambassadors answered questions on the programme and all were present for the meeting.

Online Webinar for Parents

Here is a link for an upcoming free one-hour online webinar on the transition from Primary to Secondary school that parents of incoming First Years may find useful. The one hour online event covers important topics like the Junior Cycle, helping teens manage and embrace change and identifying areas of concern.

Business Trip to Butlers' Chocolate Factory

First Year Business Studies students in Presentation College Carlow got the opportunity on January 12th to visit Butlers' Choclate Factory and to see what really goes on behind the doors of a working factory. They got the chance to learn about how Butlers Chocolates have grown to be a true Irish success story since its beginnings in 1932 and of course taste some chocolate!  They were accompanied by teachers - Ms Byrne, Ms Fogarty, Mr Fennell and Ms Gibbons.

European Ambassador Training Programme

Congratulations to Natalia and Sophie who will be two of our four Junior EU Ambassadors. They will lead a group of Second Year students. who have been selected  to participate in the EPA Ambassador Schools programme. Click on the heading for the full group photo. We are delighted that Presentation College is involved in this programme.

Féilte Scoille

Congratulations to the Teaching and Learning Team on a wonderful morning of sharing and collaboration. Click on the heading for further details and photos. 


On Wednesday the 8th December, we hosted Féilte Scoile in our school. This was organised by the Teaching and Learning team in the school and Coordinated by Janet Bradley (Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator) and Katie Barrett (Junior Cycle Co-ordinator) Féilte is run by the Teaching Council of Ireland every year and attracts many teachers from all over Ireland to showcase their Teaching and Learning methodologies.

In our Féilte Scoile, each subject department showcased their Teaching and Learning Methodologies and some Assessment Methodologies including feedback. Teachers spent a number of minutes at each stand and saw how they could incorporate their strategies into their subjects.

We were joined on the day by our Chairman of the Board of Management Fr. Conn O'Maoldhomhnaigh who visited every stand to see these methodologies.

Overall, it was a very successful day with positive feedback from staff. It is hoped to run this event again in the future.

The Teaching and Learning team would like to thank Mr. Murray, Ms. Gillespie and Mr. Carley along with all teachers for their support on this initiative.
