Five lucky students from Presentation College are currently spending a week in Berlin courtesy of the Goethe-Institut. Presentation College was selected to represent Ireland in a German Theatre Project earlier in the year. The title of the project is ‘Europa im Wandel’ which roughly means ‘Europe in Transition’. The other countries involved are Denmark, Finland, Scotland and Sweden. There are five students from each of these countries as well as five from Berlin participating in a week-long project culminating in a live performance in Berlin. The working language will be German. The Goethe-Institut is the organisation that promotes German throughout the world. It runs courses and its Irish headquarters and library is in Dublin.

The students involved are Charlie, Abbie, Niamh, Doireann and Sean. They have been collaborating over the past few months with their counterparts sharing videos and research. One of the tasks each country had to complete was to survey people on their attitudes to Europe. We asked ten people eight questions. Below are just three of the questions with some of the answers they received.
If you could visit three countries in Europe where would you visit and why?
· Russia - the buildings and architecture looks amazing, Hungary - I have always thought it looked interesting and Scotland - I’ve always wanted to go to Edinburgh, it looks so beautiful.
· Italy - I believe it to be the city of love and I want to go there and see Juliet’s house etc. The Netherlands - I’d like to see more of the country and Greece - I’ve seen so many photos of little towns in Greece and I want to go see them. There are also beautiful sites and tiny roads on the side of mountains, the views are supposed to be amazing!
· Iceland - To see the northern lights and to see the glaciers. I would also like to scuba dive down between the two continents tectonic plates. Poland - It has beautiful architecture I’d love to see. I’d love to visit cities such as Krakow and Warsaw. Greece- I’d love to go island hopping and to witness the white washed buildings and the beautiful seas!
· France – Landmarks, Romania – I have friends from there and I would like to see the culture and Greece – History.
· Norway - to see the natural beauty there, Italy - particularly from its historical point of view and Denmark - from an interest in their agriculture.
· England - I haven’t been there before, Norway - I’d love to go see the Fjords and Romania - I’d love to go and visit Transylvania.
· The three countries in Europe I would like to visit are Bulgaria, Lithuania and Greece because these are the only three that I have not yet visited. Although I have been to Crete, I have not visited mainland Greece. Having visited the two other Baltic states, I would like to see how Lithuania compares and contrasts to Estonia and Latvia. What I have recently read about Bulgaria as a holiday destination very much appeals to me.
· Vatican - to visit Rome to see the Pope and France - to go to Lourdes.
How has Europe changed in your lifetime?
· I lived in Germany when the wall came down, so you were able to freely go anywhere you wanted.
· Not sure. The talk of Brexit, I suppose.
· When I was born Ireland had just joined the EEC. Travel is now more widely available as well and Ireland has benefitted financially being an EU member state over the years and it has really boosted our economy and our country has grown for the better over the last 40 years.
· The fall in communism in Eastern Europe is the biggest change by the integration of countries through the European Union.
· I remember when Britain joined the EEC in 1972 which was then primarily a customs union with emphasis on cooperation between the nations therein for trade purposes. As more countries joined and the EEC became the European Union and its remit expanded, it developed into a much larger internal single market with standardisation of laws, policies etc., a political and economic union of 28 member states. This led to the free movement of people within the Union enabling citizens to travel, live and work with ease elsewhere in Europe.
· There is a lot more peace and a lot more harmony since the establishment of the EEC now known as the EU and also being able to travel anywhere with mainland Europe while using the same currency (except England).
· Romania, Bulgaria (2007) and Croatia (2013) joined the EU and became part of Europe.
· The fall in communism in Eastern Europe is the biggest change by the integration of countries through the European Union.
Where do you think Ireland fits into Europe?
· “The left hand side of it” We think we are more important than we are.
· I’m not really sure.
· I believe Ireland is at the top of the list as we are very forward thinkers, innovative and we take chances as we have just passed two very important referendums in the last couple of years! I feel the eyes of the world are on Ireland as well currently.
· I think Ireland is at the heart of Europe because we have a very similar political outlook as other countries in Europe. We have a séance of equality with other European countries.
· Technology has changed a lot in recent years. We now use smart phones instead of flip phones. However there is still conflict example, Russia invading Ukraine.
· I think Ireland is very ahead rights wise, however compared to Germany with climate change they are very behind as they are only introducing certain things now Germany has had for a while! Also Germany is miles ahead with health as well. In Ireland you might have to wait two years to see a consultant whereas you can go to Germany and see one the next day.
· Ireland, although a small country has very close ties and fits well in Europe. It has become a more 'European' society than the UK, has adopted the currency of Europe and distances are measured in kilometres. Ease of travel from Ireland to mainland Europe has encouraged more families to visit European countries on holiday or for work and broadened the horizons particularly of young Irish people. Since joining the EU, European funding has enabled Ireland to prosper and given the majority of people in Ireland more employment opportunities, better working conditions and a higher standard of living than they had previously. Europe has provided a market for Irish goods in particular agricultural and food products.
· I think Ireland is at the heart of Europe because we have a very similar political outlook as other countries in Europe. We have a séance of equality with other European countries.
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