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Leaving Certificate 2020 Calculated Grades Online Portal

May 25 2020

In circular 0037/2020 published last week, the Department indicated that the technical administration of the Calculated Grades model for Leaving Certificate 2020 would be supported by an online system for students. 

 LC 2020 Calculated Grades - Guide for Parents

This online system, the Calculated Grades Student Portal, available to students through, will open at 10 AM on Tuesday 26 May and will close at 10 PM on Thursday 28 May.

 LC 2020 Calculated Grades - Guide for Students

The following links contain very important information for all students:

Letter to Students re Calculated Grades 

Calculated Grades Student Portal - Before You Start Guide

Summer Assessment

May 22 2020

Teachers and students are currently very busy with assignments and exams as part of our Summer Assessment 2020 process. A whole-school approach was taken via all Subject Department Coordinators consulting with all the respective subject departments to agree on the best assessment structures for their particular students and subject in the current circumstances, as per the Department of Education and Skills Guidelines. Wishing all students every success!

A Message from our Meitheal Leaders

May 19 2020

These are very strange times in which we find ourselves and many of the things that we thought were certainties are no longer so. Students in our school and across the country are significantly feeling those losses at this time - graduations, end-of-year celebrations and even our Leaving Certificate examinations have been postponed or cancelled. It's a strange time for us all. One group of people who are really feeling it at this time is our Meitheal Leaders....(click on the heading for the full article)

Darkness Into Light

May 11 2020
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Darkness into Light event in aid of Pieta House this weekend. Our GoFundMe page is still active on until Thursday evening. We are delighted to say that €1,685 has been raised for Pieta House by our school.

We have put together a short video of the images sent in from staff and students to mark our school community's response. It's a lovely reflection of the event. If anyone has photos they haven't had a chance to send please do and we can add them in. Click on this link to view our video. DIL_Pres_College_Carlow.mp4 


It is moments like these that draw our school together and made even more poignant by the circumstances.


Green Flag Awarded

May 08 2020

We are delighted to inform you that our application for the renewal of our Green Flag has been successful. Unfortunately, due the current situation, there will be no Green-Schools Awards Ceremonies this year. As soon the school re-opens we will celebrate with a flag raising in Presentation College. Congratulations to the committee, and all members of our school community on this achievement.

8 May, 2020 - Minister announces postponement of 2020 Leaving Certificate Examinations

May 08 2020

The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. has today (Friday 8 May 2020) announced the postponement of the 2020 Leaving Certificate. Following a decision at Cabinet, all students are to be offered the option of receiving Calculated Grades for the subjects they are studying and the alternative of sitting the 2020 Leaving Certificate examinations at a date in the future when it is considered safe to hold the examinations. 

Click here for the full press release.

Click here for the guide to calculated grades.  

Click here to view the - Leaving Certificate 2020: Information and Resources.

April Newsletter

May 07 2020

Click on the April Newsletter link in red to see our latest newsletter. April Newsletter The March Newsletter has lots of nice articles and photos. March Newsletter This link: Newsletters brings you to the cover page for our newsletters. You just click on 'Read More' to view the full newsletter. 
