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Blog: Presentation College Carlow School Blog

Ceist Student Council Gathering 2021

Apr 28 2021

On Tuesday 27th of April, three representatives of the student council Seán, Emily Jane and Emmanuel attended the virtual 2021 Ceist Student Council Gathering. There were one hundred and seven schools in attendance and the theme of this gathering was hope. A lovely quote was read to the students at the beginning. “Let your hopes, not your hurts shape your future”. This really resonated with us because during these tumultuous times it is vital that we remember that there is an end to this and at the end there is a golden sky....Click on the heading for the full report.

How's Your Head?

How's Your Head? #KeepWellCampaign' Transition Year students Jacob, Darragh and Tomasso are members of the @ComhairleNaNog1 group in @CarlowYouth and have teamed up with #HealthyCarlow to bring out their very own youth friendly#KEEPWELL boards in line with the national roll out. This group have also worked with Tusla to produce face masks and leaflets. The leaflets will inform you of local supports and services specifically for twelve to eighteen year olds.  Well done to all those involved in this initiative!   


Bake Sale Thursday 6th May

The Headstrong Mental Health Committee made up of Transition Year students in our school @Pres_Carlow are running a Bake Sale on Thursday, 6th May from 1:05-1:55pm in the Marquee. Please suport 🥞@ywirl @ceist1

Walk it out Wednesday

Apr 14 2021

Walk it out Wednesday is a new initiative to promote exercise for our staff and students. Every Wednesday from 13:35 we will head out into the sunshine for a twenty minute walk. We are blessed to have had a Slí Na Sláinte installed in our school during the last year. Slí na Sláinte is an initiative developed by the Irish Heart Foundation, with the aim to encourage and increase the number of people walking. We hope to break the week a little bit by coming together for a chat and a good clear out of the mind. We hope you will bring in a pair of trainers today and every Wednesday.

Webinar for Parents

There will be a Parents' Webinar on Monday 19th April at 7:00pm on: Dyslexia and how it affects students at Second Level and How parents can support the student at Second Level


The presentation will be given by Wyn McCormack and is just over an hour with questions and discussion following. Click on the heading for further details.


To sign on for this course please email  stating your Name and School and a Zoom link to the webinar will be sent to you. There is no fee for the course.

Return to School Assemblies

Apr 06 2021

We look forward to welcoming all students back to school next week.  Parents have recieved details regarding the relevant assemblies as well as the links for the respective Parent Declaration Form which should be completed in advance of Monday.

Click on this link for the Powerpoint for Parents

Academic Scholarships

Apr 01 2021

Two former students of Presentation College have recently been awarded Academic Scholarships from Dublin City University. The recipients are Anita Thapa, who is studying for a BSc in Psychology and Meadhbh O’Sullivan who is studying for a Bachelor of Education. All in Presentation College are very proud of their achievements and wish them both every success in their studies.

Meitheal Team Organise Magic Workshop for First Years

Mar 25 2021
Please note that all First Year classes will take part in a Magic Workshop on Friday 26th March online, organised by the Meitheal Leaders. As a result there will be no online classes for any First Year students on that day!
