On Tuesday 27th of April, three representatives of the student council Seán, Emily Jane and Emmanuel attended the virtual 2021 Ceist Student Council Gathering.
There were one hundred and seven schools in attendance and the theme of this gathering was hope. A lovely quote was read to the students at the beginning. “Let your hopes, not your hurts shape your future”. This really resonated with us because during these tumultuous times it is vital that we remember that there is an end to this and at the end there is a golden sky.
Professor Luke O’Neill, professor of biochemistry in TCD, was invited as a guest speaker. He and his uplifting presence spoke about COVID-19 and the vaccines. He said the vaccines were like a “suit of armour”. He assured us that the chances of schools closing again due to this virus is very unlikely. He said the vaccines also protect you from the variants. “Imagine you are wearing your suit of armour, the variant may get through your suit of armour, but not enough to seriously affect you”.
He told us remember the three c’s. Crowds, closed enclosures and close contacts. If we try to avoid crowds and closed enclosures as much as possible we would be safe. If you cannot do that then try to wear a mask. He also emphasised the point that if you are a close contact you should quarantine as soon as possible. Another school came up with their own three c’s to remember…. Caring, Connection and Courage. It is important that we do care about others not just ourselves and we remain close, while not physically, to those vulnerable or in need. We also need courage because without courage this pandemic will be a lot more difficult to get through.
A final comment about this Gathering comes from our Student Council Chairperson Seán “I really enjoyed this gathering, albeit over zoom. All my worries and concerns about this pandemic and its effect on my education have been eradicated. I was encouraged to remember “positive mind, positive life”.

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