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Students return to school details:

Aug 24 2012
First Year students and Meitheal Leaders:                      Monday 27th August, 8:50am -4:00pm
Third Year and Sixth Year students:                                Tuesday 28th August, 8:50am- 4:00pm
Second Year, Transition Year and Fifth Year students: Wednesday, 29th August, 8:50am - 3:55pm
We look forward to another great year in Presentation College !

Leaving Certificate Results

Aug 14 2012
Mr. Murray and all the staff wish all Leaving Certificate students the best of luck tomorrow as they receive their Examination Results.
The Principal and staff will be available tomorrow morning to distribute results and answer queries from 10am. We wish the students every success in the future. Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh!

Summer Exam Timetable

May 21 2012
Exam Timetables for First, Second and Fifth Years are available here.. Good luck to all students as they prepare for their end of year exams.

Leinster Track and Field Events

May 21 2012
Well done to the athletes who competed in the Leinster Track and Field Events last Wednesday and Saturday. A total of three gold medals and three silver medals were won over the two days. 
Gold Medalists:
  • Danny Lawlor won gold in the Senior 800 metre
  • Grace Lawlor won gold in both the Inter 100 metre and 200 metre

Presentation College Reach World F1 Finals for Second time!

Apr 30 2012
Presentation College had another excellent day at the National F1 in schools finals On Thursday 25th April.
The School retained its Title as Junior Champions, with Synergy Racing . Raptor Racing were awarded second place . The school also won Best Innovation and Best engineered car. The Highlight of the day was the Senior teams Second place.. and the opportunity to represent Ireland in the World Finals !!
  Congratulations to all team members who continue to excel in this area.

F1 in Schools National Finals

Apr 23 2012
This week our Formula 1 teams are busy preparing for the National Finals of the F1 in Schools competition in Griffith College Dublin. We wish Team Raptor Racing, Synergy F1 and Elite Racing the best of Luck , and congratulate them on all their hard work so far.

Raising of the Active School Flag

Mar 22 2012

On Tuesday March 20th,Mr Sean O'Brien,current Irish and Leinster rugby player,raised the Active School Flag for us.
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.Prior to raising the flag the female staff took on the Fifth year female students in a game of tag rugby with Sean O'Brien playing with the teachers in the first half and the students in the second half.A very enjoyable day was had by all.
The John Murray RTE Radio One Show visit

And testament to the value we place in promoting physical fitness here, we had the John Murray RTE Radio One Show with us on Tuesday March 20th,the same day as the Active School Flag was raised. He spoke to our First years re: the Get Fit and Beat the Bleep Challenge and oversaw the teachers taking on the First years in the Bleep test to see which group was the fittest!The students came out on top!

First Year Hurling Blitz

Mar 13 2012

A first year class 1A3 during their PE time,had the opportunity of a five week block of coaching in hurling with second year students Emma and Louise Byrne on the BA Sport and Exercise(GAA)degree course at IT Carlow.Then last Friday March 9th this first year class was rewarded with a hurling blitz in IT Carlow.Students from Presentation College had the opportunity to play against students from schools from Kilkenny and Wexford.One of the major objectives of this blitz was to allow all students that received coaching an opportunity to represent their school irrespective of how talented they are.This proved to be a most enjoyable and worthwhile experience for all students.

TY Outdoor Pursuits Week!

Mar 13 2012
Best of Luck to Mr. Nolan , Ms. Keating, Ms Ward and all of the Transition years who departed school Tuesday Morning for their annual outdoor pursuits week. The students will experience Abseiling, Sailing, Kayaking and many other outdoor sports during their 4 day trip, while also gaining teamwork and personal achievement rewards.