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Raising of the Active School Flag

Mar 22 2012

Raising of the Active School Flag
On Tuesday March 20th,Mr Sean O'Brien,current Irish and Leinster rugby player,raised the Active School Flag for us.
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.Prior to raising the flag the female staff took on the Fifth year female students in a game of tag rugby with Sean O'Brien playing with the teachers in the first half and the students in the second half.A very enjoyable day was had by all.
The John Murray RTE Radio One Show visit

And testament to the value we place in promoting physical fitness here, we had the John Murray RTE Radio One Show with us on Tuesday March 20th,the same day as the Active School Flag was raised. He spoke to our First years re: the Get Fit and Beat the Bleep Challenge and oversaw the teachers taking on the First years in the Bleep test to see which group was the fittest!The students came out on top!

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