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Latest News from the College
Term: Wellbeing
106 post(s) found

Positive Mental Health

Oct 13 2019

Student made posters were spotted recently around the school. These all had positive messages focusing on mental health. Click on the heading to see a selection. Perhaps your poster is one of them.

Meitheal Team organise fun activities for First Years

Sep 09 2019
Well done to our fantastic Meitheal Team who organised some fun activities on Friday for our First Years. They finished off the day with some impressive moves during Wii Dance!! They have been working really hard, ensuring all our First Year students are settling into Secondary School life that little bit easier and supporting them all the way.

Tribute to Mr Delaney

May 25 2019
Last Wednesday Mr Delaney set off on the final staff 5K run of the school year and his teaching career. A fitting tribute had been organised and upon the return to the school the runners were met by some former athletes and a Guard of Honour made up of staff and students. They ran the final meters led by Mr Delaney.
All Ireland Champions


May 18 2019

Transition Year students were visited by Anna Keegan from Trócaire this week. She informed students of the work Trócaire engages in to help communities ...Students also received their certificates and badges for all their work over the Easter period.

Transition Years

Sports Day

May 13 2019

Active Schools week at Presentation College culminated in Sports Day. While our sports day is infamous for the variety of events and the level of participation there are some serious elements and some records are set. The winners of the “Pres Mile” were ...   

Active Schools Week

May 13 2019

Dwayne Farrell who is the owner of Supreme Fitness, O'Brien Rd. gave a very informative talk to Sixth years on ‘Mind your Mind’  and the importance of regular exercise as part of ones life.

Sixth Years

Youth SVP Conference

May 13 2019

Students from Presentation College recently attended the regional Aloysius Foundation YSVP conference in the WIT Arena. They made a presentation and showcased the work they had done during the year. Katie Williams and the rest of the Presentation College SVP committee performed the song “Rise Up.”

SVP Committee