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Term: Wellbeing
106 post(s) found

Darkness Into Light

May 11 2020
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Darkness into Light event in aid of Pieta House this weekend. Our GoFundMe page is still active on until Thursday evening. We are delighted to say that €1,685 has been raised for Pieta House by our school.

We have put together a short video of the images sent in from staff and students to mark our school community's response. It's a lovely reflection of the event. If anyone has photos they haven't had a chance to send please do and we can add them in. Click on this link to view our video. DIL_Pres_College_Carlow.mp4 


It is moments like these that draw our school together and made even more poignant by the circumstances.


Darkness Into Light

May 01 2020

May 9th was to be the Darkness into Light event marked by many walks around the world and locally. We invite you to share the message from our YSVP team ‘You are not alone’. We would like our students, staff, family and friends to get involved by participating on May 9th by lighting a candle and taking a photo in support and remembrance. Please send these photos to ... (Click on heading for more information and photo)


Keeping Healthy - Cooking Tips and Advice

Mar 28 2020

As we stay at home we may find ourselves with more time in the kitchen. The food we eat affects our health and  well-being and budget plays an important role in what food we buy and prepare.  This recipe book is designed to provide  easy-to-prepare, low-budget, tasty, yet highly nutritious meals. This is a  FREE cookbook called  “101 Square Meals” - developed by Safefood and MABS (Money and Budgeting Service). It can be accessed online interactively and available to download in PDF for FREE!


Physical Distancing is Vital in the Fight Against Covid-19

Mar 26 2020

There has been a further announcement by the Taoiseach that, in line with public health advice, schools will remain closed until 19 April. In addition to maintaining ongoing engagement with students, one really important message you can assist with, is to convey to students, the absolute need to practice social and physical distancing, and to minimise physical contact with each other, to help avoid the spread of Covid-19. This should include advice to avoid meeting up and in all circumstances to adhere to HSE guidelines. As part of your school community, parents and guardians should also be urged to support their children to maintain the restrictions on congregating for the safety of all in their community. 


As part of your school community, parents and guardians should also be urged to support their children to maintain the restrictions on congregating for the safety of all in their community. In order to support you in getting this important public health message across to your school communities information notices (in 17 different languages) are available here:


The full letter can be read by clicking this link: Letter from Secretary General of the DES 25-03-2020

Covid-19 Important Information in Many Languages

There are many students and parents in Ireland for whom English/Irish is not their first language. With this in mind, the Department of Health and the HSE have produced Covid-19 resources in a range of languages other than Irish and English which you can access below: 

The languages currently available include: Chinese, Italian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Latvian and Lithuanian. 

Please pass on this information.

Recent Activities Undertaken by Presentation College Young SVP Group - The Aloysius Foundation

Mar 14 2020

Spreading Best Wishes to our Exam Students -  Members of 'The Aloysius Foundation' made a 'motivational board' to spread our message of ‘Best Wishes’ to the exam students. The board was filled with positive sayings, some ‘Did you knows?’ about studying and exams, the perfect guide to successfully completing their exams and also positive pictures and emogis. We wish all students good luck in their exams. (Click on the heading for the full article)

Recent Activities Undertaken by Presentation College Young SVP Group - The Aloysius Foundation

Mar 14 2020

Blue Monday: By Nessa Whelan To tackle the Monday blues, our Young St. Vincent De Paul group baked dozens of cupcakes. They went into town handing the cupcakes out for free to show our appreciation for the work being done in our community....The YSVP group also made up bags of blue sweets ... and sold them at break time ... All money raised will go to our local SVP group in Carlow.

(Click on the heading for the full article)

First Years and Transition Years Get Rowing

Feb 18 2020

Congratulations to the First Year teams from 1AS and 1AR from Presentation College Carlow who recently took part in the rowing competition in Carlow I.T. Everyone had a very enjoyable experience. Thanks also to the teachers who brought us as we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. (Click on article heading to see the photos)

Appreciating Difference

Oct 15 2019
Ms Vanessa Byrne's First Year SPHE students while studying the topic of 'Appreciating Difference'  took part in a 'show and tell' class where all students actively participated using props from home .... Among the many talents showcased included one student who provided baked cupcakes for her entire class to demonstrate her love of baking. Aoife is a Business and Home Economics student ...