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Latest News from the College
Term: Wellbeing
106 post(s) found


Feb 04 2022

Presentation College has introduced brand new bikes to our PE classes to allow all students to develop their cycling skills and confidence. Our objective is to use them as a non-competitive recreational activity for our students. The bikes will also be used as part of our TY programme to help students learn about bike maintenance.....

Transition Year Cycling

Our three Transition Year Cycling Ambassadors, Anna, Tara and Amy have organised a biking sessions for around fifteen Transition Year girls. This one took place on January 18th from 11.45 - 1.05 . The Ambassadors are organising these with the assistance of Ms Kavanagh as part of their #andshecycles Ambassador Programme. We are delighted to announce that the PE Department have purchased ten bicycles and helmets for students to use in school. We would like to thank the Green Schools Committee for promoting the introduction of cycling to the curriculum. We are currently working on the #Travel Theme.

Christmas Doors

Dec 22 2021

Happy Christmas to all. Thanks to the social committee for all the work getting students and staff into a festive mood. Here is a little video of the Christmas Doors: Christmas video link - Christmas Door Competition. Congratulations to the Ancillary staff who surpassed themselves once again, with a festive corridor and very festive #Ralph our #Wellbeing_Dog. Attached is your runners up & winner! The Winners


Ralph Our Wellbeing-dog

Dec 02 2021

Ralph our Wellbeing-dog is proving very popular among both students and staff. He is loving all the attention and affection. He is sitting here in front of our Nano Nagle tapestry ready to welcome students to school.
