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Latest News from the College
Term: Wellbeing
106 post(s) found

India 2024

Mar 03 2023
Second Year students had a talk on Friday from representatives from the HOPE Foundation in relation to an upcoming immersion programme in India. Contact Ms. Murphy or Ms. Coburn if you would like further information. The trip is being planned for September/October 2024.  

Internet Safety Day

Jan 31 2023
Internet Safety Day is Feb 7th. Dylan Byrne (TY) is our Internet safety Ambassador this year and Dylan and his team, are organizing a number of events on the day for First Year students. 

Online Webinar for Parents

Here is a link for an upcoming free one-hour online webinar on the transition from Primary to Secondary school that parents of incoming First Years may find useful. The one hour online event covers important topics like the Junior Cycle, helping teens manage and embrace change and identifying areas of concern.

Cyberbullying / Internet Safety Talk for Parents

Jan 13 2023
A Talk for the parents of First Years will take place next Thursday, 19th January in the Library at 7pm. Poster This will be on the topic of Online Cyberbullying and Internet Safety. The title of the event is "Don't be mean behind your screen". Please click on the link for more information. 

Respect Workshop

Dec 20 2022

Third Year Boys recently participated in a Workshop with Wolf Academy on December 19th. The workshop was designed to inspire and cultivate long lasting confidence and empower our young boys in self-expression, self-discovery and purpose. The workshop provided techniques to help our students develop healthy relationships with their emotions, connect to and accept their authentic selves.
