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Blog: Presentation College Carlow School Blog

French Week

Feb 28 2022
What a better way to start our new term than with our traditional Semaine Française!
We kickstarted the day with Speed dating en Français for Fifth Years, while Transition Years learned about the traditional French boules game and then braved the cold to try it out for themselves. Photos and more news to follow. 🇫🇷

Lighting the Way - The Ceist Lantern is passed from school to school

Feb 16 2022
 As part of the Ceiliúradh celebrations, we were delighted to receive the Leading the Way - Lighting the Way Ceist Lantern from St. Leo's College. This lantern is being passed from school to school. It symbolises our common Ceist values. Pictured are our Doireann, our Head Girl and Aaron, our Head Boy along with Principal, Mr Ray Murray and Deputy Principal, Ms Lorraine Gillespie. We now pass the lantern and all it symbolises for our Ceist community to Presentation De La Salle College Bagenalstown.  

Safer Internet Day 2022

Feb 07 2022
Today is Internet Safety Day! Keep an eye out for the posters and QR codes around the school promoting safe use of the Internet. has great resources as always on the topic.  STAY COOL- BLOCK THE HATERS is the topic. 


Feb 04 2022

Presentation College has introduced brand new bikes to our PE classes to allow all students to develop their cycling skills and confidence. Our objective is to use them as a non-competitive recreational activity for our students. The bikes will also be used as part of our TY programme to help students learn about bike maintenance.....

Success in the AILO Problem Solving Competition

Of the nine students who took part in the preliminary round of the All-Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO) on Wednesday 2nd February, we are delighted to announce that two of our students qualified in the top 100 in the whole of Ireland. Two Fifth Year students, Jake Baker and Oliwier Jakubiec have been invited to participate in the All-Ireland National Final on Wednesday March 9th in DCU. A fantastic achievement! ....

St. Brigid's Day

Feb 01 2022

February First is always St. Brigid's Day. This year was particularly special. We also marked the fifteen year anniversary of Ceist - this is the governing body of our Presentation College. Many different class based activities took place. Ms Fogarty showed her classes how to make St Brigid's crosses. Click on the heading for more photos.


Junior Girls Through to the Semi-Final

Jan 31 2022
Congratulations to our Junior Girls Football team who had a 7:7 - 6:4 win against Dunlavin on Friday. They will meet Mountmellick CS in the Semi-Final very soon.

Hurling Champions

Jan 27 2022
Congratulations to the Presentation College / Gaelcholaiste Ceatherlach Team who were successful in their match today. We won the Leinster PP Schools Senior Hurling "C1" Final. The match was against St. Joseph's CBS Drogheda. Click on the heading for the match report and photos.



Junior Rugby Win

Jan 26 2022
Congratulations to the Junior Rugby Team and their Trainers on a superb 17 - 5 win against St Kevins CC Dunlavin on Wednesday. Click on heading for more...
