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Latest News from the College
Term: Transition Year
80 post(s) found

Transition Year Cycling

Our three Transition Year Cycling Ambassadors, Anna, Tara and Amy have organised a biking sessions for around fifteen Transition Year girls. This one took place on January 18th from 11.45 - 1.05 . The Ambassadors are organising these with the assistance of Ms Kavanagh as part of their #andshecycles Ambassador Programme. We are delighted to announce that the PE Department have purchased ten bicycles and helmets for students to use in school. We would like to thank the Green Schools Committee for promoting the introduction of cycling to the curriculum. We are currently working on the #Travel Theme.

Tri Heros Programme

Nov 09 2021
The Tri Hero's Programme was organised by Ms Kavanagh to offer all students in Transition Year the chance to become involved in cycling and running. The programme ran for five weeks in total, switching between cycling and running each week with a short duathlon during the final week..... 

German Embassy Visit

Presentation College was delighted to welcome Mr. Robert Henneberg from the German Embassy to our school on Monday 13th September. Whether for travel, education, pleasure or employment, Mr. Henneberg, who speaks fluent English, French and Irish in addition to his native language of German, assured students that it will always be of value to work on one's language skills. There are of course increased opportunities in life for those who speak several languages. We would like to thank the German Embassy for valuing the importance of the young learners of German and French by supporting them with the interesting and educational visit and the gift of on the heading for the full report and photos.

Bake Sale this Thursday

The Headstrong Mental Health Committee will hold a Bake Sale on Thursday 6th May from 1.05pm-1.50pm in the Marquee. Students and Staff are also encouraged to get create a piece of art based on the theme ‘What Inspires Me’. Please bring your work (posters/paintings/drawings…) to the Guidance Offices from Tuesday 4th until 11.45am on Thursday 6th May to be included in the display. Social distancing protocols will be in place for this event and a one-way system through the marquee will be in effect. If anyone wishes to donate some baked goods towards the event, please get in touch with Ms Cumiskey. Click on heading for the full information.

Darkness into Light 2021

May 04 2021

On May the 8th, amazingly, Darkness Into Light will be commencing again. Keeping your social distance, it’s a wonderful chance for you to go out, get some fresh air, and raise some money. Jake and Olivia have been busy creating posters for the event. Please click on the heading for the full article written by Jake Baker.

How's Your Head?

How's Your Head? #KeepWellCampaign' Transition Year students Jacob, Darragh and Tomasso are members of the @ComhairleNaNog1 group in @CarlowYouth and have teamed up with #HealthyCarlow to bring out their very own youth friendly#KEEPWELL boards in line with the national roll out. This group have also worked with Tusla to produce face masks and leaflets. The leaflets will inform you of local supports and services specifically for twelve to eighteen year olds.  Well done to all those involved in this initiative!   


Cycle Survey

Mar 11 2021
Abby one of our #andshecycles Ambassadors, along with classmates Leia, Arturo and Daniel surveyed one hundred students to find out information relating to cycling. Click on the heading to read more. 

Global Education

Well done to a group of our Transition Years that spent this morning talking to students in Japan and the Netherlands as part of the 'Interactive Global Education' programme. Thanks to Danny from @CarlowCEILS and Noel at Equinox Education Services for all their work.

March 2025