
Jake Baker: TY
The last fifteen months or so have been strange, to put it lightly. It’s not exactly a new approach, calling the entire COVID situation unusual, but it’s most certainly the best way to describe it. For some of us, this was a weird sort of retribution, a chance to really excel and learn some new abilities. However, that doesn’t ring true universally. The lack of contact and the ordinary out of arm’s reach, the quarantine became isolation, and the isolation became suffocating.
Nowadays, we’re on the tail end, with a vaccine rollout and a slow but steady reduction in numbers. We took our time but we made our way through. Yet, that doesn’t simply negate the last extremely long while. The social events missed remain missed, the interactions lost remain lost, and the damage remains dealt. Nowadays more so than ever, we need to look after ourselves, and our mental health too.

On May the 8th, amazingly, Darkness Into Light will be commencing again. Struck by the worst of the lockdown in 2020, 2021 sees the event return. Keeping your social distance, it’s a wonderful chance for you to go out, get some fresh air, and raise some money. Be it for yourself, in memoriam, or for a myriad of other potential reasons. As a combined effort, we are being given a chance to make our difference and to use our time to help those around us. In any way, the benefits sent to Pieta House can’t be understated, and the great work they do can’t equally be under appreciated. Wake early, venture outwards and do your part on May 8th.

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