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Latest News from the College
Term: Teaching and Learning
132 post(s) found

Academic Tracking Programme

Jan 21 2020

Second Year students are scheduled to individually meet with a teacher twice this year as part of our Academic Tracking Programme. The first round of meetings is currently taking place....

Amazing Brains Study Workshop

Nov 12 2019

All First Years participated in a study skills workshops on Wednesday 6 November 2019 in the school library. Students were taught how their ‘amazing brains’ work. They practised techniques and developed skills to enhance their learning in all subjects. Teachers present helped students link the material to their subject. Thanks to the Parents Council who supported the workshop.

Maths Week

Oct 29 2019
Maths was the focus of teaching and learning recently in Presentation College. There were puzzles, special maths based activities and lots of discussion regarding the importance of maths in relation to the student’s lives and future careers. Congratulations to Jake Baker from Third Year who won the overall competition.

Presentation College Awards Academic Excellence

On Friday, 18th October a distinguished gathering from the world of academia converged on the Seven Oaks Hotel in Carlow for the thirteenth annual Presentation College Academic Awards ceremony. The Academic Awards, implemented by the Board of Management, are designed to recognise and reward academic achievement among the students in Presentation College and to publicly celebrate their success....

Geography Field Trip

On Monday the Sixth Year Geography students travelled to Kippure, Co. Wicklow to carry out experiments in the river Liffey for their Leaving Certificate Geography Project. Despite some showers in the morning the weather held out for the rest of the day. Some of the experiments carried out were: 'Calculating the Velocity of the river', 'Calculating the Slope of the River' and 'Analysing the Bedload'. The project will be worth points for their final Leaving Certificate Geography exam. 

Awards Day

Jun 19 2019

Students at Presentation College recently received awards for their excellence in academic, sporting and extra-curricular activities. The highest award that of Senior Student of the Year 2019 went to Ciara O’Doherty. Daniel Pender received the Ceist Award. The Brídín Quinn Award recipient was Darragh Curran ....Photos

March 2025