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Two Polish Teachers visit Presentation College

Feb 07 2020

From 27 January to 7 February two dedicated teachers of German in Poland spent their holidays observing classes in Ireland. Anna and Beata come from the town Torun in Poland and came to Ireland on the Erasmus Plus project eager to see how languages are taught in Ireland and to observe classes, participate in professional conversations in the staff room and to see how the school systems are similar and different. Their school in Poland is called: Zespół Szkół Przemysłu Spożywczego i VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące.

Our German classes benefited by having two extra German speakers and students were keen to show off their German and asked and answered questions. The many students with roots in Poland were interested to explain where they came from and on occasion broke into Polish rather than German. In language learning it is always important to use every opportunity to speak and hear the language. The German teachers Ms Malone and Ms Byrne were heard babbling away in German and were delighted that Ms Cumiskey had facilitated this exchange.

Anna and Beata would like to thank the many teachers of various subjects who allowed them into their class. Thanks also to all the students with whom they came into contact with in their two weeks in Presentation College. They found it very interesting and have returned to Poland with new ideas and memories of their wonderful time in Ireland.

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