Term: Teaching and Learning
132 post(s) found
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
On Friday a group of Fifth Year Politcs and Society students along with their teacher Deputy Principal Mr. Carley went to Carlow College to meet MEP Billy Kelleher. The visit was organised by TD Jennifer Murnane O'Connor.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to the Teaching and Learning Team on a wonderful morning of sharing and collaboration. Click on the heading for further details and photos.
On Wednesday the 8th December, we hosted Féilte Scoile in our school. This was organised by the Teaching and Learning team in the school and Coordinated by Janet Bradley (Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator) and Katie Barrett (Junior Cycle Co-ordinator) Féilte is run by the Teaching Council of Ireland every year and attracts many teachers from all over Ireland to showcase their Teaching and Learning methodologies.
In our Féilte Scoile, each subject department showcased their Teaching and Learning Methodologies and some Assessment Methodologies including feedback. Teachers spent a number of minutes at each stand and saw how they could incorporate their strategies into their subjects.
We were joined on the day by our Chairman of the Board of Management Fr. Conn O'Maoldhomhnaigh who visited every stand to see these methodologies.
Overall, it was a very successful day with positive feedback from staff. It is hoped to run this event again in the future.
The Teaching and Learning team would like to thank Mr. Murray, Ms. Gillespie and Mr. Carley along with all teachers for their support on this initiative.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Second Year Science students are currently busy doing their #CBA's. @JCTScience @Ceist1 #ScienceIsFun... Click on the heading for more photos.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
On Friday, 12th November a distinguished gathering from the world of academia converged on the Seven Oaks Hotel in Carlow for the fifteenth annual Presentation College Academic Awards ceremony. The Board of Management implements a system of Academic Awards to honour the top achieving students in the Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate examinations....
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
There will be a zoom session for Parents on how they can help the Student with Dyslexia at second level on Monday 11th October at 7.00. The zoom format allows parents from all over the country attend and it is very time effective for them.
Dyslexia Parent's Zoom 11th October
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The Board of Management is very pleased to welcome the approval by the Department of Education and Skills of substantial additional accommodation for our school, based on a long term projected enrolment of one thousand students.
This approval by the Department of Education and Skills is testament to the progression and development of the school over recent years and is a strong indicator of the reputation and status of the school moving forward. The provision of the additional accommodation will ease the annual oversubscription for places in our school and will enhance the top-class facilities already available to students.
The additional accommodation includes thirteen general classrooms, Staffroom, Multimedia Room, Music Room, DCG Room, Construction Studies Room, Technology Room, Textiles Room, two Science Laboratories, Pastoral Offices and associated circulation areas, student locker spaces and toilets.
Our school community looks forward, with excitement and anticipation, to the further development of Presentation College.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
There will be a Parents' Webinar on Monday 19th April at 7:00pm on: Dyslexia and how it affects students at Second Level and How parents can support the student at Second Level
The presentation will be given by Wyn McCormack and is just over an hour with questions and discussion following. Click on the heading for further details.
To sign on for this course please email cwedcentre@gmail.com stating your Name and School and a Zoom link to the webinar will be sent to you. There is no fee for the course.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
We look forward to welcoming all students back to school next week. Parents have recieved details regarding the relevant assemblies as well as the links for the respective Parent Declaration Form which should be completed in advance of Monday.
Click on this link for the Powerpoint for Parents