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Blog: Presentation College Carlow School Blog

Decision of the Press Council of Ireland

Jun 18 2021

The Board of Management welcomes the decisions of the Press Ombudsman and the Press Council of Ireland upholding the complaint of the Board of Management against The Nationalist concerning its reporting of school assemblies last November. 


It was determined that The Nationalist breached Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) and Principle 2 (Distinguishing Fact and Comment) of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland. The full decision can be accessed at the following link: Press Ombudsman and Press Council of Ireland Decision - Presentation College, Carlow v The Nationalist


The Board of Management would like to sincerely thank all those who stood by our school community during this difficult time - for the support we received  from within our school community, local community and further afield.


Additional Accommodation Approval

The Board of Management is very pleased to welcome the approval by the Department of Education and Skills of substantial additional accommodation for our school, based on a long term projected enrolment of one thousand students. 


This approval by the Department of Education and Skills is testament to the progression and development of the school over recent years and is a strong indicator of the reputation and status of the school moving forward. The provision of the additional accommodation will ease the annual oversubscription for places in our school and will enhance the top-class facilities already available to students.


The additional accommodation includes thirteen general classrooms, Staffroom, Multimedia Room, Music Room, DCG Room, Construction Studies Room, Technology Room, Textiles Room, two Science Laboratories, Pastoral Offices and associated circulation areas, student locker spaces and toilets.


Our school community looks forward, with excitement and anticipation, to the further development of Presentation College.


First Years Get Creative

May 29 2021
The Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge produced some amazing and creative designs from the  First Years during their recent 'Fun Day'. The students had to create the tallest free-standing structure in groups of  four using a limited amount of marshmallows. Students developed lateral thinking, problem identification, and problem-solving skills while working cooperatively as part of a team. Thanks to Ms Michelle Ryan for facilitating the challenge.

Prefect Team for 2020-2021 Announced

May 29 2021
Congratulations to our newly appointed Prefect Team. The Head Boy for 2021-2022 is Aaron Smith and the Head Girl is Doireann Broderick. Our Deputy Head Prefects are Emer Flynn, Aibha Kiernan and Sean O’Driscoll....

Energia's Seachtain na Gaeilge All Ireland Competition

May 28 2021
We are delighted to announce two students from Presentation College, Carlow have won some prizes in Energia's Seachtain na Gaeilge All Ireland competitions. Seán (Second Year) from Ms. Ryan's class wrote a poem titled 'An tEarrach' which describes the beautiful flowers, animals playing and the excitement of Easter coming. Seán received Second Prize in the division First to Third Year. Eva (Fifth Year) from Ms. Breen's class wrote a poem titled 'Go Deireadh a tSaoil' in memory of Nadine. Eva received First Prize in the division Transition Year to Sixth Year.... Click in the heading for photos and more inofrmation 

Petit Déjeuner

Our Sixth Year French class got a chance to enjoy their 'Petit Déjeuner Traditionnel' on Wednesday 19th May. It was great to be able to enjoy each other's company outside, all the while being mindful of our 'distanciation sociale'. Wishing all our Sixth Years 'Bonne Chance' over the coming weeks and every best wish for the future.

Darkness into Light 2021

Thank you to those who took part in our virtual event last year for Darkness Into Light.  The event is taking place this year on Saturday 8th May at sunrise, approximately 5.40am. Again, we are urging the school community to get involved by walking, swimming, cycling or simply lighting a candle in support and remembrance. 

If you would like to donate to the page you can do so by clicking on the link below:

Please continue to spread the message and offer hope by wearing a Darkness Into Light t-shirt, or anything yellow, and sharing your sunrise moment using #DILSunriseAppeal #DIL2020.

We also remind you of the link shared last year by our YSVP team ‘You are not alone’. If you haven't seen it already this is a great video that some of our students took part in: DIL Video


This is the link for this years' video: Darkness Into Light Video 2021

Bake Sale this Thursday

The Headstrong Mental Health Committee will hold a Bake Sale on Thursday 6th May from 1.05pm-1.50pm in the Marquee. Students and Staff are also encouraged to get create a piece of art based on the theme ‘What Inspires Me’. Please bring your work (posters/paintings/drawings…) to the Guidance Offices from Tuesday 4th until 11.45am on Thursday 6th May to be included in the display. Social distancing protocols will be in place for this event and a one-way system through the marquee will be in effect. If anyone wishes to donate some baked goods towards the event, please get in touch with Ms Cumiskey. Click on heading for the full information.

Darkness into Light 2021

May 04 2021

On May the 8th, amazingly, Darkness Into Light will be commencing again. Keeping your social distance, it’s a wonderful chance for you to go out, get some fresh air, and raise some money. Jake and Olivia have been busy creating posters for the event. Please click on the heading for the full article written by Jake Baker.
