The curriculum is the range of educational programmes within a school. The curriculum for the Junior Cycle comprises:
· Subjects
· Other Learning Experiences
· Wellbeing
· Level 2 Learning Programmes
Students in Presentation College study nine exam subjects and five non-exam subjects. All exam subjects are now studied at a Common Level, except for English, Irish and Maths, which are still studied at Higher and Ordinary Level.
Other subjects can be seen by clicking: All Subjects
Other Learning Experiences
Other Areas of Learning refers to:
1. Co-curricular activities:
i.e. activities that tie in with subjects being studied in school. Examples could include student council, debating, school choir etc.
2. Extra-curricular activities:
i.e. activities that are outside the standard curriculum that students engage in throughout the Junior Cycle. Examples could include sports, charity events etc.
Student’s Other Areas of Learning are recorded in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement which gives a more balanced and well-rounded view of each student and their success throughout the Junior Cycle. These Other Areas of Learning can also help young people to develop the Key Skills which are so important for success after the Junior Cycle.
Wellbeing is a key focus at Junior Cycle. All schools must timetable four-hundred hours, across three years, of Wellbeing for Junior Cycle students from September 2021. Wellbeing subjects include SPHE, CSPE, PE, Digital Media Literacy/Computer Studies and Guidance-Related Learning e.g. Study-Skills, Anti-Bullying etc.

Level 2 Learning Programmes
The Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) and qualification are targeted at a very specific group of students who have general learning disabilities in the higher functioning moderate and low functioning mild categories. These students would have an existing individual education plan and would most likely be accessing Learning Support/Resource in mainstream settings.
More information on Level 2 Learning Programmes can be found at this link: L2LP