Teaching and Learning at Presentation College, Carlow is underpinned by our Mission Statement: “Prepare all of our pupils, girls and boys alike for the challenges, responsibilities and experiences of adult life”.
The Presentation ethos of developing the full potential of all our students embeds itself in all aspects of school life. Our approach to teaching and learning is one that focuses on developing the capacity of our students to become life-long learners. We endeavour to create a caring and encouraging school environment where good discipline enables good teaching and allows good learning to take place.
Teachers at Presentation College are constantly responding to the skills that students need to succeed in the twenty first century. All our programmes and extra-curricular activities seek to develop the skills of collaboration, communication and critical thinking alongside the qualities of resilience and empathy.
Information Technology Including Online / Remote School
Junior Cycle Including CBA Deadlines
Learning Support Including Useful Links
Leaving Certificate Including Useful Links
Transition Year Including Introduction to Transition Year, Videos and Latest News
Teaching Initiatives The Collaborative Leadership Project, Magenta Principles and Teaching Tips
Click on this link for further information: Teaching and Learning in Presentation College
Click on this link for tips to develop study skills: Developing Smart Study Skills
Click on this link for some useful advice: Study - "Learning to Learn" A Parents Guide
Click on this link for useful advice on supporting student learning: Parental support for student learning
Click on this link to access a padlet full of links and tips to help with study skills and organisation: Padlet for Students on Study and Organisational Skills
Click on this link for the latest news on Teaching and Learning