Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Active School Week takes place in Presentation College from Monday April 29th to Friday May 3rd .This week highlights the importance of P.E., physical activity and sport in school and reinforces the Active School Flag which was achieved last year. Active School Week concludes with a Sports Day for all students. This year Monica Percy, one of the leaders in Operation Transformation, will be in the school during Sports Day and will present medals.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
All Junior Cycle students in Presentation College had drama presentations on various social issues relevant to our times. The workshops were facilitated by Mr. Michael O’Sullivan, Artistic Director with the excellent Humourfit Drama Workshop.First Years enjoyed a lively performance called ‘The Mighty Bully Brady’ with an anti-bullying theme while Second Years pondered on ‘Hooked’ ,a drama which dealt with a drugs issue. Third Years were entertained with a drama about dealing with stress and finding inspiration in ‘The Importance of Breathing’.These dramas are organised by the Guidance and SPHE departments and seek to augment,deepen and compliment learning on the Social Personal and Health Education programme at school.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to Laura Ward who finished 3rd and Niall Harvey who finished 6th, on both wining individual medals in the All-Ireland Cross Country in Belfast.
Athletics Training is now also back in full swing for the Track and Field which is coming up in May.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
On Thursday, March 14th the Elverys Power Team of Ms. Claire Mc Glynn and Mr. Ger Dolan came to visit all 130 First Year students giving their expert advice to one and all on sport, exercise and healthy living. They provided an interactive presentation incorporating exercises and informing the students on self-motivation, the importance of sports, healthy living and POWER as an acronym for Positivity, Optimum Hydration, Wholesome Diet, Exercise and Recovery. All First Year students took part in a workout comprising of a full core, strength and conditioning workout. This presentation and workout proved to be a most enjoyable and beneficial experience.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Presentation College Carlow picked up yet more awards at the Eircom Junior Spiders Awards (Irish Internet Awards). The awards which recognise and reward primary and postprimary students for the innovative ways they use the internet through designing their own websites. The school had a total of three shortlisted websites; Schoolswise, Aptus Racing and Synergy Racing. However it was Lee Campbell along with teammate Pauric Dempsey and teacher Claire Mc Hugh who received the award for Best Web Design at the awards for their F1 in Schools Team website
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to Aoife O’ Sullivan, Kate Mulhall and Katie Cullen who won the ‘IRISH FEDERATION OF WOMEN GRADUATES’ PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION’ held in Trinity College on Saturday. The Second Year girls, representing the Trinity College graduates,took part in a hotly contested national final to become victorious, beating stiff competition from teams from NUIG, U.C.D. and Queens University Belfast.
The girls delivered exceptional and impromptu speeches on the various aspects of their chosen topics of Citizenship, Modern Technology and the Olympics, captivating the audience. After a brief deliberation of the distinguished and experienced judges, the girls emerged victorious on the day, taking home the much coveted“Poppy Corbet” perpetual trophy, to the delight of their English teacher Ms. Christine O’ Sullivan, Principal Mr. Ray Murray, Year Head Ms. Caitlin De Burca, their parents and many well- wishers who accompanied the girls to the venue. We look forward to hearing much more from these competent young ladies in the future!
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to two groups from Second Year and Transition Year who raised almost €900 for two worthy causes by holding a No-Uniform Day on Monday 25th February. Students were asked to wear jeans to support ‘Rare Disease Day’ and the slogan ‘Jeans for Genes’ was publicised throughout the school and helped raise awareness of the issue. The other cause to benefit from the day was ‘Carlow Relay for Life’.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to our Second Year girls, Aoife O' Sullivan,Kate Mulhall and Katie Cullen, who won the 'Dublin University Women Graduates'Association' public speaking competition, held in Trinity College recently. The girls delivered an exceptional and impromptu speech on the topics of Citzenship, the Olympics and Modern Technology. Accompanied by their parents and teacher Ms. Christine O' Sullivan, the victorious ladies will now go on to represent Trinity College in the national final, due to be held in the college on Saturday 2nd March. The confident and able ladies will compete against teams representing universities from Queens Belfast,U.C.D, Limerick and U.C.G. for the 'Poppy Corbett' perpetual trophy.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Seven students from Presentation College Carlow received their Pope John Paul 11 awards in the Seven Oaks Hotel on Friday 25th January. The awards were presented by Monsignor Brendan Byrne in recognition of the students’ active involvement in parish and community. The students are Grace Byrne (Papal Cross), Chloe Doyle (Gold), Daragh Byrne (Gold), Victoria Kidd (Gold), Siobhan Dowling (Gold), Weronika Oniszk (Bronze), and Ellen Murphy (Bronze).