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Latest News from the College

French Week

Mar 21 2014

French students are eagerly anticipating and also busy preparing for our annual French Week which will take place from Monday 24th of March. There will be a variety of events taking place throughout the week for all French students including a French play “ La visite” for Third Years, a visit to the GBS Theatre to see the film “Les Intouchables” for Fifth and Sixth year students. Both First and Six Year students will in enjoy ‘petit dejeuner francais’ and the Second years french students will take part in a treasure hunt. There will also be an art competition based on this years theme “Paris”with a prize for junior  and senior students. All students should contact their French teachers  Ms.Cadinot, Ms.Owens or Ms.Jully for further details and all French students are encouraged to participate in the various events. Vive la France!!

Good Luck!!!!!!

Mar 19 2014
Best wishes to Laura Ward  and Niall Harvey . They go to Manchester on Friday as part of the Irish Schools Cross Country team which competes in the School's International in Bolton on Saturday. Also to Ms. Elaine Cardiff who is one of the Managers of the Irish team.

Seachtain na Gaelige!!!

Mar 12 2014
Dia dhaoibh. Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge linn anois agus tá na bloggirls ar bís! Táimid ag ceiliúradh gach rud Gaelach! Táimid ag ceiliúradh ár n-oidhreacht náisiúnta, cultúr agus teanga. Bígí páirteach sa spraoi ag labhairt ár dteanga aon uair gur féidir libh. Is leatsa í, bainigí usáid aisti!

Cross country

Mar 11 2014
Congratsulations to:
Laura Ward 5th Junior Girls
Niall Harvey 3rd in Junior Boys
Ben Dorgan 21st in Minor Boys
Who competed in cross country in Cork on Saturday.
Niall and Laura are both selected on the Irish Schools cross country team which competes in Bolton England on March 22nd.

World Book Day

Mar 11 2014
Today, 6th March, is World Book Day. In commemoration of World Book Day the Second Year students have set up a project called ‘Book Speed-Dating’ for the First Years. For this project, all of the 2A1 class read a book each and all of the 1A1 class went in at lunch time at 1:30 for 10 or 20 minutes and got to hear about some of the books that the students had read. A few of the teachers participated also. All in all, it was a very enjoyable project that would be very fun to try again in the near future.

Schools All-Ireland Cross Country

Mar 06 2014
Best wishes to Laura Ward, Niall Harvey and Ben Dorgan who all run in the Schools All-Ireland Cross Country in Cork on Saturday

No Uniform Day

Mar 06 2014
There’s a No Uniform Day tomorrow in aid of the Sixth Year Debs so if you want to ditch the school uniform for a day, bring in your €2!

Irish Debating Team

Mar 06 2014
Hard luck to Anna McHugh, Niamh Chapman and Emily Mulhall who lost in the semi-final of their Irish debate. The girls preformed extremely well and we’re very proud to have them representing our school.


Mar 06 2014
Well done to the Second Year Gael Linn Irish debating team who got through to the semi-final. The team includes Anna McHugh, Niamh Chapman and Emily Mulhall. The girls will travel to Limerick in March for the semi-final. Good luck to all involved.

Fairtrade fortnight

Feb 26 2014

Fairtrade Fortnight Competition

Design a poster that includes the Fairtrade Logo, a Caption and a Message

Free of Charge!!!

For First and Second Year students

Winner receives a €20 one4all voucher

For more information, talk to Steven Grant!

March 2025