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Term: Blog
13 post(s) found


May 21 2014
Active School Week!


From Monday, 28th April to Friday, 2nd May we celebrated Active School Week! All week the entire school participated in a number of sports activities such as a Gaelic Blitz, The Elvery’s Power Team, Wheelchair Basketball Matches and The Pres Mile! We want to congratulate everyone who completed and participated in The Pres Mile! First, second and third place medals will be awarded to students in both the boys and girls category on Sports Day! We want to thank Ms Kavanagh and Ms Cardiff for all of their help all week!

F1 in Schools

May 21 2014
Well done to our very own F1 teams Autolaunch Racing and Renaissance Racing for winning the national finals! Renaissance Racing achieved first place in the junior category as well as picking up the awards for “Best Use of Social Media” and “Best Verbal Presentation.” Ignite Racing from TY also picked up the award for “Fastest F1-Type Car” with a time of 1.048 seconds over the 20m track……but the biggest congratulations go to Autolaunch Racing who claimed first place in the senior category, also becoming the Overall National Champions.  Autolaunch will now go on to the World Finals in Abu Dhabi later this year. We wish you the best of luck!

1st year Business ?Trip

May 21 2014
The First Year Business classes had a great time on their trip when they travelled to Dublin and went to Butlers Chocolate Factory and then to Liffey Valley shopping centre afterwards. They had great fun as they got to discover how chocolate is made and where and when it was invented. They got a tour of the factory and museum and then got to paint their very own chocolate teddy bears. They got many different samples of different chocolate and also watched a video about the history of Butlers Chocolate Factory. We also want to thank all the teachers who arranged the trip and to Butlers for the amazing experience.


French Week

Mar 21 2014

French students are eagerly anticipating and also busy preparing for our annual French Week which will take place from Monday 24th of March. There will be a variety of events taking place throughout the week for all French students including a French play “ La visite” for Third Years, a visit to the GBS Theatre to see the film “Les Intouchables” for Fifth and Sixth year students. Both First and Six Year students will in enjoy ‘petit dejeuner francais’ and the Second years french students will take part in a treasure hunt. There will also be an art competition based on this years theme “Paris”with a prize for junior  and senior students. All students should contact their French teachers  Ms.Cadinot, Ms.Owens or Ms.Jully for further details and all French students are encouraged to participate in the various events. Vive la France!!

Good Luck!!!!!!

Mar 19 2014
Best wishes to Laura Ward  and Niall Harvey . They go to Manchester on Friday as part of the Irish Schools Cross Country team which competes in the School's International in Bolton on Saturday. Also to Ms. Elaine Cardiff who is one of the Managers of the Irish team.

Fairtrade fortnight

Feb 26 2014

Fairtrade Fortnight Competition

Design a poster that includes the Fairtrade Logo, a Caption and a Message

Free of Charge!!!

For First and Second Year students

Winner receives a €20 one4all voucher

For more information, talk to Steven Grant!

St. Valentine's Day Roses

Feb 05 2014

St. Valentine’s Day

Orders for roses will be taken in the canteen at 11:30 or 11:10 break from Monday 3rdof February until Friday 7th of February. This is for people who wouldlike to send a rose to students in Presentation College, C.B.S and St. Leos.They will be delivered on Valentines morning. The roses cost 2 euro and you can include a special note written by you.

Transition Year Science Award

Feb 05 2014
Well done to Transition Year students Lee Campbell, John Harding, Pauric Dempsey and Steven Grant who came second in ‘The Only Way Is Up’ competition run by IComp and University of Limerick in association with NanoRacks.

Fifth Year Cinema Trip

Feb 04 2014

Fifth Yearstudents viewed ‘12 Years a Slave’ in the cinema yesterday as part of their religion programme.

“The film gives a harrowing account of slavery in the 1840s inAmerica. The film tells the story of Solomon Norton, a free man, who waskidnapped and sold into slavery.”
                                                                            -Ms. Doorley


March 2025