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Term: Green Schools
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Transition Year students and #andshecycles Ambassadors Amy and Joanne travelled with Ms Kavanagh to an #andshecycles session at Sundrive Velodrome  on Thursday. The students were lucky to experience cycling on a velodrome and enjoyed a bike maintenance class. They are very competent and confident at fixing punctures now! Thanks to Ms. Murphy for organising! Just click on the heading for more photos.


Dec 06 2024
Ms Fogarty's  Fifth Year class 5B have acquired an orange Re-Turn bin for the LCVP Portfolio coursework. It is located beside the vending machine in the hope that students and staff would put their empty bottles and cans with the Re-turn logo in it. Any money raised from this initiative will go to Extra-Curricular Activities (jerseys, equipment).. Click on the heading for the full group.

Green Schools Meeting

Sep 17 2024
The first meeting of the year takes place today in Room 20 from 1:20 - 1:50. New members welcome. We will begin working on the 'Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste' Theme.

Fast Fashion Video takes First Place in Regional Finals

A small group of Transition Year students recently took part in the Rubbish Film Festival where they had to create and star in a one minute long video highlighting an environmental issue. The regional finals were on today and Presentation College, Carlow took first place!! Click on the heading for more...

Handbags / Sac à main / Handtaschen / torebka

Eight of our current Third Year students will travel to India with the Hope Foundation next October. As part of their fundraising efforts they will run a Handbag stall at the Presentation College Car Boot Sale on Sunday 5th May. If you have any unwanted handbags at home that you would be willing to donate, we would be most delighted. There will be a box in the staffroom for any donations or they can be dropped to Ms Murphy in room 11. Reduce - Reuse - Recycle!

Third Years Visit 'The Elderflower Garden Club'

Ms Kelly and her Third Year Religion class were delighted to be the first school group to have a guided tour and talk from the fabulous volunteers in The Elderflower Garden Club. The students got lots of useful tips and information for their 'Challenge to Change' and 'Global Citizenship' Projects. Formerly a derelict site behind Avoca House in Carlow, the site has been transformed into an eco-garden where the group grows vegetables and flowers. The pesticide-free garden is managed on sustainable and organic principles. Rainwater is collected on-site and includes a solar-powered water feature, bug hotels, and bird boxes.

The Elderflower Garden Club will be selling their plants and hand made crafts at our Parents’  Council Car-Boot Sale on the 5th of May, 12pm -4pm. All support welcome. Click on heading for more photos.

Green School News

Meetings continue to take place on Tuesday's in Room 24. We had our second inspection on Thursday with Shane the Biodiversity Officer from Wexford County Council. Ralph was posing with some of our Third Year members and we are looking forward to completing our Application for the Biodiversity Green Flag this week.

Dáil Presentation

Congratulations and  well done to First Year students Jakub, Joseph and Zena who are all past pupils from Educate Together National School Carlow and recently made a presentation to the Dail on a project they have been working on since 6th class in primary school. The students were selected to present their project based on "making Carlow a better place for young people". The students highlighted issues such as:

Active Travel; Prioritising People; Biodiversity; Street Art and Social Areas. It is fantastic to see our young people being given the opportunity to use their voice. Well Done!

March 2025