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Latest News from the College
Term: Competitions
45 post(s) found

Soccer Congratulations

May 15 2023
Congratulations to Maksym 1AS and Timmy 2AP who have been selected to represent Ireland in the Celtic Cup Tournament in Scotland this June. This is a great achievement. The two boys are also representing Carlow in the Kennedy Cup in Limerick. This is a great achievement. Well done!


Junior Rugby Team

Mar 23 2023
Congratulations to the Junior Rugby Team who have reached the first ever Duff Shield Leinster Final beating a strong and determined St Columba’s side this afternoon 22-12 in Carlow. Congratulations!

Enterprise Awards

TY Mini Company #StudentEnterprise Programme! ‘Cover Up’ is an innovative method to protect cups from unwanted visitors. Transition Year students Lexi Mia, Kayla and Jan have enjoyed their entrepreneurial journey with teacher Ms. Vanessa Byrne. They received the Best in School Award this week. Click on the heading for more photos.

EPAS Monitoring Visit

Second Years had a monitoring visit via Zoom on Friday. Presentation College is one of the European Parlament Ambassador Schools. Ms. U. Byrne and her CSPE class are preparing for an EU awareness raising day on March 28th. This is in advance of Europe Day on May 9th. Our three Junior Ambassadors answered questions on the programme and all were present for the meeting.

National Problem Solving Finalists

Two talented Sixth Year Presentation College Students competed at the National Problem Solving Final. Congratulations to Brandon Jaroszczak and Jake Baker who were two of the 100 Students from 49 Schools who competed at the National Linguistic Problem Solving Final in DCU on Wednesday....Four winners from the Final will go on to represent Ireland at the International Linguistics Olympiad held in Bulgaria in July.

Sample puzzles from the Olympiad can be downloaded at Contact Ms. Cumiskey if you are interested. Just click on the heading for more information and photos.

Dáil Presentation

Congratulations and  well done to First Year students Jakub, Joseph and Zena who are all past pupils from Educate Together National School Carlow and recently made a presentation to the Dail on a project they have been working on since 6th class in primary school. The students were selected to present their project based on "making Carlow a better place for young people". The students highlighted issues such as:

Active Travel; Prioritising People; Biodiversity; Street Art and Social Areas. It is fantastic to see our young people being given the opportunity to use their voice. Well Done!

Cross Country Success!

Nov 21 2022
Jack Mahon came sixth in the All Ireland u14 Cross Country Championships on Sunday.  Congratulations Jack! Click on the heading for more information and photos.

Senior Science Quiz

Nov 18 2022
Three teams represented Presentation College in SETU in the South East Regional Senior #ISTA Science Quiz. While none won on the day, all did very well. Click on the heading for more information and photos. 