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Well done to Jet Stream who won awards at the Junior Spider Awards at the Helix yesterday
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Some of the students setting up at the Helix today for the Junior Spider Awards.
Student Blog - Student Blog
All TY students did a week of work experience from the 5th to the 9th of December with a business in the Carlow area.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Fourteen Presentation College students are setting up their three stands.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Well done to the Fourth and Fifth Year students who took part in last Thursday night’s display of school talent in the GB Shaw Theatre. Presentation College were one of four local schools who took part in a great night’s entertainment by performing an extract from the popular West Side Story.
Student Blog - Student Blog
Some students who were involved in our school musical performed some scenes from the musical in the G.B. Shaw Theatre last night.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Fifth Year Tag Rugby
On Mon. Dec. 5th the Fifth Year girls tag rugby team played a team from Tullow C.S.. Tullow won the game , however the Presentation girls learned a lot and are definitely improving as they get more game play.
Student Blog - Student Blog
Some students, along with three teachers did carol singing outside Hadden's today
Student Blog - Student Blog
Transition Year went to the Trinity College Open Day today
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
In November for three weeks, Ms. Nathalie O’Shea, a past pupil and dance teacher with Karen Yates Dance School , taught all transition year students hip hop and break dance as part of their physical education program.This proved to be a most enjoyable and worthwhile experience.