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Well done to JetStream who are the new F1 in Schools Junior All-Ireland Champions.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Well done to all the boys and girls who competed in south Leinster Track and Field in Kilkenny yesterday.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Transition Year Gaelic Football Blitz
On Thurs. April 7th,a very successful transition year gaelic football blitz for boys(10 aside)was held in Eire Og, Carlow,organised by Brendan Hayden,the Carlow GAA Development Officer.Teams from Colaiste Eoin(Hacketstown),Carlow CBS,Gaelcholaiste and Presentation College all took part.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
First Year Indoor Hurling Blitz
On Friday April 8th,Mr.Chris Bolger,PE teacher and past pupil of Pres,brought a first year group from Colaiste Eoin(Hacketstown) to Presentation College to play a first year class in indoor hurling.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to the Transition Year students who have been selcted to take part in this year's National Finals of the Young Social Innovators Competition. Both classes travelled to Dublin for the Regional Finals at the Green Isle Hotel on 30th March. TY1's project "Youth, Alive, Alert, Enthusiastic" highlighted teen relationship and sexuality issues, while TY2's project "The Rubbishbandits" was on Litter and Waste.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to all our winners!! Team Quark , Phoenix, Jetstream and Mach 6 represented the school wonderfully on Thursday 7th April. Full Results
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Best of Luck from everyone in Presentation College Carlow to Team Quark, Phoenix, Jetstream and Mach 6 who head to Dublin on Thursday 7th April for the National Finals .The teams have been working extremely hard and have very high standards of entries, including amazing cars!
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Students and Parents are asked to help with this fundraiser by returning race night forms and shares this week. Thank you for your support! Looking forward to another fun night! All Welcome!
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Best of Luck to TY1 and TY2 who travel to Dublin Today to The "Speak Out" as part of the Young Social Innovators Project
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Students and teachers depart today for Nancy, France representing Ireland in this exciting European Project. The students will meet with students from 16 European Countries over 6 days and discuss culture, heritage, geography and politics among other European issues. Accompanied by Principal Mr. Ray Murray this is a very exciting opportunity for the students, who will also attend functions in Strasbourg during the week. As the only school chosen for this project from Ireland we wish them the best of Luck.