Term: Teaching and Learning
132 post(s) found
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
First Year Home Economics students are really getting into the festive spirit after finishing their felt Christmas tree decorations this week. What a lovely addition to the area.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
A selection of Christmas Decorations made by First Year students in Wood Technology with their teachers Mr. Murphy and Mr. Bailey. Click on the heading for more!

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Ms Byrne and Ms Gibbons received training in Dublin earlier this year and are both Senior European Ambassadors.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
This week over forty Third Years are experiencing a trip of a lifetime to Paris. Third Year students in front of the Sacré Coeur, from the top of the Arc de Triomphe and top of the Montparnasse tower. Click on heading for more photos.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
There will be assessments in November. They will be from the 13th to the 17th. The timetables are in the areas.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The SEC can confirm that this year’s Junior Cycle results will be available in schools on Wednesday 18 October 2023. Junior Cycle candidates can also access their results online from 4 PM on that date.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Thursday, 24th August, 8:50am – 1:05pm
First Year students only (and Meitheal Leaders)
Friday, 25th August, 8:50am – 1:05pm
Fifth Year students only
Monday, 28th August, 8:50am – 1:05pm
Second Year and Third Year students only
Tuesday, 29th August, 8:50am – 1:05pm
Sixth Year students only
Wednesday, 30th August
Classes as normal for all Year Groups (Except Transition Year)
Thursday, 31st August
Classes as normal for all Year Groups (Except Transition Year)
Friday, 1st September
Transition Year students return
Classes as normal for all other Year Groups
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to all students on completing the school year 2022 -2023. At our Awards Ceremonies on Thursday and Friday many students were recognised for both accademic abd extra curricular achievements. Special mention to Clare our Senior Student of the Year and Chloe our Junior Student of the Year. To see more awardees please click on the Gallary Link above or on this short cut. Gallery Link
Senopr Student of the Year - Clare

Junior Student of the Year - Chloe

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Sixth Years recently went on a very enjoyable and educational trip to Castlecomer Discovery Park with Ms. Kinsella and Ms. Canning. Click on heading for more photos!

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Ireland celebrates 50 years as a member of the European Union this year. This Tuesday our Junior EU Ambassadors from 2AT planned and organised an awareness raising day. Students made quizzes, designed posters, conducted surveys, decorated the school entrance and a team did face painting during break time on the 28th March... For more click on the heading and check our tweet.