This year is the first year that we have awarded the Nano Nagle Award. Congratulations to Éanna on winning this prestigious Award.

Nano Nagle Award 2024
Third Year student (2023 – 2024) who best encompasses the values/qualities sought for the annual Bridín Quinn Memorial and CEIST Awards.
Bridín Quinn Memorial Award
In memory of former teacher, Bridin Quinn, this award is given in recognition of the ever-kind and encouraging spirit of Bridin. As a teacher, Bridin made connections with students and encouraged them to find their way through challenges, to seek and show resilience and to contribute meaningfully to our school community. This award seeks to honour her commitment to those who have faced and overcome challenge and/or have made meaningful contributions to the life and community of our school in their own way.
The CEIST Award was commissioned by the Board of CEIST to honour students in our schools who best demonstrate the CEIST values and ethos. It is up to each school to decide which aspect of the CEIST values or ethos it would like to celebrate.
The core values of CEIST are intended to support and nourish the lives of the people who are at the heart of our schools – students, staff and parents. These are the members of the school; their rights must be respected and their responsibilities should be performed in a manner which promotes the spiritual development of each person, achieves quality in teaching and learning, shows respect for every person, creates a sense of community and is founded on compassion and justice. These values can only be lived out if students, staff and parents work together for the common good of all. In CEIST schools processes should be put in place to deal with areas of conflict and disagreement so that the dignity of all members of the school can be protected.
Promoting Spiritual and Human Development
We believe a knowledge of and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ give meaning and purpose to our lives.
Achieving Quality in Teaching and Learning
We are committed to excellence and to continually improving the quality of teaching and learning.
Showing Respect for Every Person
We respect the unique and intrinsic value of every person.
Creating Community
Our schools are faith communities of welcome and hospitality where Gospel values are lived and where there is special care for those most in need.
Being Just and Responsible
We seek to act justly and responsibly in all our relationships.
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