Congratulations to all those involved over the past two years as we worked on the Biodiversity Theme in the Green Schools Programme. We have been successful and will be accepting the Award on the 14th of May.
Dear Green-Schools Committee,
We have great pleasure in informing you that your application for the Green Flag award has been successful. Congratulations on all your hard work and achievement, we hope you can celebrate with us at an upcoming National Green Flag awards ceremony.
The Green Flag will be presented to your school by An Taisce on the 14th of May at 11am at Hotel Kilkenny, College Road, Kilkenny. A sit down lunch will be provided after the ceremony and proceedings will be finished by 2pm.
Due to the large number of schools attending representatives are limited to a maximum of four people in total from each school. Please note that under no circumstances will we be able to entertain requests to bring more representatives than this.

All the latest news from Presentation College Carlow