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Students Report On Their Visit To Dublin Castle and Dublinia

Mar 16 2019

Ms. Owens recently brought her Second Year History and CSPE students on an educational trip to Dublin. The following is a compilation of reports written by Allanah, Ella, Shane, Mikee, Terry and Molly.

“First of all we went to Dublin Castle, where we learned that the castle had been burned down and rebuilt. We visited several rooms including the Connolly Room, the Printing Room and the Dining Room. We learned that this was where the President was inaugurated. We saw the Army before we left for the next stage of our trip.

Our second visit was to Dublinia. We learned about Vikings and a tour guide showed us around. We walked through a Viking town which had a lot of models of different things. We learned about what Dublin was like in the past. We learned about the Viking, what they did daily and the clothes they wore. We saw their boats - which were made out of Irish wood, houses, shoes, clothes and we even allowed to try on the helmets – which were very heavy.

We learned about the different ways they had for curing sickness or pain. For example – the remedy for a toothache was a pliers! They just ripped out the offending tooth. For leprosy there was no cure so the person was given a bell to warn others away. As a treat on the way home we went shopping in Liffey Valley for a little while.”

According to Mikee “it was nice to go on a trip with friends, to get out of school and learn in a different way.” The students were complimented on their excellent behaviour by the tour guide in Dublinia and they were a credit to the school.

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