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Mock Examinations Timetable

Jan 14 2013

Mock Leavingand Junior Certificate Examinations 2013


Wednesday January 30th 2013

Normal Lunch

Junior Certificate                                                                       Leaving Certificate

Geography H&O  2.00—4.00                                       Normal Class as per timetable        

Thursday January 31st2013

Lunch 12.35-1.25

Junior Certificate                                                                      Leaving Certificate

Maths Paper 1 H           10.00-12.30                             English P 1 H&O       9.10-12.30         

                          O           10.30-12.30                             


Irish Paper 1    H&O      1.50-3.50                               Maths P 1 H,O&F      1.25-3.55                                                                                                     

Friday  February 1st  2013

 Junior Certificate                                                                       Leaving Certificate

Blue Block

Music   Ms. Lyons         10.40-1.10                             English P 2 H&O         9.50-1.10

Art        Ms. Ward         11.10-1.10

T. Gr.    Ms. McHugh    10.10-1.10

H. Ec.    Ms. Doyle         10.40-1.10

Art        Ms. Quinn         10.40-1.10

Monday 4th Feb. 2013

Lunch  12.35-1.25

   Junior Certificate                                                                      Leaving Certificate

English P 1     H         10.00-12.30                             Irish Paper 1  H&F 10.10-12.30          

English P 1     O         10.00-12.30                             Irish Paper 1  O      10.45-12.30


English P 2     H        1.30-4.00                                  Maths P 2 H,O&F      1.30-4.0

Tuesday 5th February2013

Lunch  12.25-1.20

   Junior Certificate                                                                       Leaving Certificate

Yellow Block                                                          French&German Aural     8.50-9.45

Science    Ms. Harney      10.20-12.20                  French H&O                       9.55-12.25

B. St. P 1 Ms. Gibbons     9.50-12.20                   German H&O                      9.55-12.25

M.T.W.   Mr. O’Neill     10.20-12.20                   Geog. H&O                          9.35-12.25                          

Science   Mr. Moran      10.20-12.20

Science   Ms. O’Connor 10.20-12.20


History H                         1.30-4.00                       Irish Paper 2 H                  1.30-4.35

History O                         2.30-4.00                       Irish Paper 2 O                  1.40-4.00

Wednesday 6th Feb.2013.

 Normal Lunch

  Junior Certificate                                                                          Leaving Certificate

Red Block                                                                              Blue Block

Tnol.          Ms. O’Neill    11.10- 1.10                   Con. St.      Mr. Ryan      10.00-1.10

Science      Ms. Lyons      11.10-1.10                     Physics      Ms. Harney   10.10-1.10

B. St. P I    Ms. Byrne      10.40-1.10                     Music        Ms. Lyons       9.00-1.10

H.Ec.          Ms. Doyle      10.10-1.10                    Geography Ms. Coburn  10.20-1.10

M. T. W.    Ms. Ryan       11.10-1.10                     History       Ms Whelan  10.20-1.10          

                                                                                 Biology       Ms Dunne    10.10-1.10    

C.S.P.E.                              2.25-3.55


Thursday 7th Feb.2013

Lunch 12.25-1.20


Junior Certificate                                                                       Leaving Certificate

                                                                                             Red Block

   Maths         Paper 2 O    11.00-1.00             Business    Ms. Gibbons           9.25-12.25

                       Paper 2 H    10.30-1.00             Chemistry Mr. Delaney           9.25-12.25

                                                                           H.Ec.         Ms. Egan                9.55-12.25

                                                                           Art             Ms. Quinn             9.55-12.25             

                                                                          Tnol.           Mr. Walshe           9.55-12.25                

French   Ms Kelly            1.20-3.50    

French   Ms Whelan        1.20-3.5 0                              LCVP

French   Ms. O’Neill        1.20-3.50                               Link Modules            1.50-3.50

German Ms. O’Mahony  1.20-3.50



Friday 8th Feb. 2013.

Junior Certificate                                                                             Leaving Certificate

                                                                                                   Yellow Block

Bus. Studies P 2 H      9.10-11.10                    Accounting       Ms. Gibbons   10.00-1.00

                                                                          Construction S. Mr. O’Neill     10.00-1.00

Irish Paper P 2 H      11.40-1.10                      Biology              Mr. Moran     10.00-1.00

                                                                           Home Ec.          Ms. Doyle       10.30-1.00

                                                                           Art                     Ms. Quinn      10.30-1.00  




















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