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Summer Exam Timetable

May 21 2012

First Year Summer Exam Timetable 2012

Tuesday May 29th .                                        

Greeen Block 8.50-10.50       English  11.05-1.05           History 2.00-3.55

   1A 1 Ms. Cadinot  (Fr.)              1A1 Ms. O’Sullivan                    1A1 Mr. Mc Dermott     

   1A2  Ms. Owens   (Fr.)               1A2 Ms. O’Neill                         1A2 Mr Mc Dermott   

   1A3  Ms. Whelan  (Fr.)              1A3 Mr. Clonan                           1A3 Mr O’Connor

   1A4  Ms O,Mahony (Ger.)         1A4 Mr. O’Connor                      1A4 Ms. Owens                                                     

   1A5 Ms Malone                         1A5 Ms. McLean                          1A5 Mr O’Connor

Wednesday May 30th .

Maths 8.50-10.50        Yellow Block 11.05-1.05         Geography 2.00-3.55

1A1 Ms. Daly                                H. Ec.         Ms. Doyle               1A1 Ms Conway

1A2 Ms. Maher                              M. T. W.    Mr. O’Neill            1A2 Ms. O’Driscoll

1A3 Ms. McLean                           Bu. S.        Ms. Gibbons            1A3 Ms. Donnelly                  1A4 Ms. Keating                            Science     Ms Dunne                1A4 Ms. Donnelly  

1A5 Ms Gibbons                            Science      Mr. Moran              1A5 Ms Cardiff                     

                                                       Music         Ms. Lyons                                                      

Thursday May 31st .

Irish 8.50-10.50        Blue Block 11.05-1.05            Red Block 2.00-3.55         

1A1 Ms. Dorley                         H. Ec.      Ms. Kavanagh           Tnol.    Mr. Walshe

1A2 Ms. Conway                       T. Gr.      Ms McHugh              H. Ec.   Ms.Doyle

1A3 Ms. DeBurca                      M.T.W.   Mr. Ryan                   Science Mr. Nolan

1A4 Ms. O’Driscoll                   Science   Ms.Harney                 Science.Mr. Moran

                                                   B. St.       Ms. Donnelly            Bs. S.    Ms. Keating                                                                                                                                                                         

                                                   Art          Ms. Ward                   Art        Ms. Cumiskey


Second Year Summer Exam Timetable 2012

Tuesday May 29th .                                        


Maths 9.00-10.50           Blue Block 11.05-1.05          History 2.00-3.55

2A1  Mr. Delaney                       Music    Ms. Lyons                    2A1  Mr.O’Connor     

2A2  Ms Harney                         Art         Ms Ward                      2A2  Mr. McDermott   

2A3  Mr. McLean                      T.Gr.       Ms. McHugh               2A3  Mr O’Connor

2A4  Ms. Daly                            H. Ec.     Ms. Kavanagh             2A4 Mr. McDermott                                                     

                                                    Art.         Ms Cumiskey

Wednesday May 30th .


Irish 8.50-10.50             Yellow Block 11.05-1.05             English 2.00-3.55

Ms.Conway                              Science  Ms Harney                             Ms. Territt

Ms DeBurca                             B. St.      Ms Gibbons                           Ms McLean

Ms Doorley                              M.T.W.  Mr. O’Neill                            Ms. O’Sullivan

Ms. O’Driscoll                         Science  Mr Moran                               Ms. Kelly 

                                                 Science   Ms. O’Connor                    

Thursday May 31st .  

Green Block 8.50-10.50      Red Block 11.05-1.05      Geography 2.00-3.55         

French Ms. Cadinot                           Tnol.      Mr O’Neill              2A1       Ms. Hayden

French Ms Owens                              Science  Ms. O’Connor        2A2        Ms. Daly

French Ms. O’Neill                           B. St.       Ms. Keating           2A3        Ms. Cardiff

German Ms.O’Mahony                     H. Ec.      Ms. Doyle              2A4        Ms. Hayden

                                                          M. T.W.   Mr. Ryan


Fifth year Summer Exam Timetable 2012

Monday May 28th.

                                                                                         Irish 2.00-400

                                                                                                         Ms. Doorley

                                                                                                         Ms Conway 


                                                                                                         Ms. O’Driscoll                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Tuesday May 29th .        


English  10.00-1.05                                            Blue Block 2.00-4.00

Ms. O’Neill                                                                        Cont. S.  Mr. Ryan

Ms. O’Sullivan                                                                   Physics  Ms. Harney

Ms. Territt                                                                          Music     Ms. Lyons

Ms. Kelly                                                                           Geog       Ms. Cardiff

Mr. Clonan                                                                         History   Ms. Owens

                                                                                           Biology   Ms. Dunne             

Wednesday May 30th .     


Maths 10.30-1.05                                              Yellow Block 2.00-4.00

 Ms. Harney                                                                     Accouinting    Ms. Gibbons

 Ms. Maher                                                                      C. Studies        Mr. O’Neill

 Ms. Kavanagh                                                                 Biology           Mr. Moran

 Mr. Moran                                                                      H. Ec.              Ms. Doyle

 Ms. O’Connor                                                                Art                   Mr. Ward


Thursday May 31st


Red block  10.30-1.05                            Green Block  2.00-4.00   


Bus.                Ms. Gibbons                                       French         Ms. Cadinot

Chemistry      Mr. Delaney                                        French         Ms. Owens

H. Ec.            Ms. Kavanagh                                     German        Ms. O’Mahony

Art                 Ms. Ward                                            Geography   Ms. Daly

Tnol.              Mr. Walshe        













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