Author: Presentation College
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Over the coming weeks the First year classes in Presentation College, Carlow and across the country will work on increasing their fitness levels to beat their personal and class average Bleep Test fitness scores. Their aim is to win 1000 euro towards their Physical Education programme and a place on a three day live in sports and activity camp at DCU.
For the six weeks leading up to the Easter holidays the Physical education Department are putting all First Year students through a training programme to help them improve their fitness levels and then they will retake their Bleep Tests prior to the Easter holidays. Professor Niall Moyna,fitness advisor to the Dublin footballers and a Professor at DCU’s School of Health and Human Performance believes that First year girls should be able to run around level 7.0(50 shuttles) and boys level 9.0(73 shuttles).
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to PE teacher Ms. Kavanagh on her interview on the RTE Radio 1 John Murray show on Wednesday 15th February , Ms. Kavanagh was interviewed about the schools recent achievement in attaining the Active Schools Flag, in recognition of the School's commitment to physical activity and sporting activities in all year groups.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Congratulations to Presentation College, Carlow who received the Active School Flag on Friday January 27th from the Department of Education and Skills in recognition of our schools’ endeavours to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.
In order to be awarded the Active School Flag Presentation College had to
1. Commit to a process of self evaluation in terms of the P.E. and physical activity opportunities that we offer
2. Plan and implement a series of changes that will enhance P.E. and extracurricular provision and promote physical activity.
The Active School Flag remains valid for a period of three years.
We are very proud of our achievement in securing the Active School Flag and firmly believe in the importance of physical exercise as part of our students’ lifestyle contributing to their overall health and well being.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Forty five brave firewalkers took part in last Friday nights Firewalk, in aid of Presentation College Zambia fund.
What is fire walking? It's the practice of walking barefoot across a bed of burning coals without getting burned. Fire walking is a powerful tool designed to help transform fear and to inspire people to do things they initially didn't think possible. It can show you that there is more to 'reality' than you think, that many limitations which people experience in life are self-imposed, and that you can actually create your own reality in your work, family and intimate relationships. Congratulations to all involved and a huge "Thank You" to all who sponsored the volunteers.
See Photos Here
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
On Wednesday January 11th,all transition year students were introduced to a new sport “Ultimate Frisbee” as part of their P.E. program.It was facilitated by Mr. Dominick Smyth the Ultimate Frisbee Development Officer who also plays on the Irish team and assisted by Carlow native Ms. Helen Hobson from Hacketstown who is also a member of the national team.
Ultimate is a non contact sport played with a disc and challenges you to throw,catch,run,jump and dive.
How to play?
Take a rectangular pitch with endzones at each end.One team goes from left to right,passing the disc between teammates and catches in the endzone to score a point.All the while a second team is trying to stop them by making it difficult to throw or catch.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Transition Year students enjoyed a great day out on Wednesday 21st December . They travelled to Dublin to Christmas on Ice in Kilmainham, followed by an entertaining afternoon at Jedward and the Beanstalk Panto in the Olympia Theatre.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
On Wed.Dec.14th the fifth year girls tag rugby team played an away game against St. Leos.This is the girls third game this year and it proved to be a very entertaining and exciting game, ending in a draw.The following girls scored tries for Presentation College,Grace Byrne,Claudia,Leigh Walshe,Aina,Stacey Farrell,Elisa,Jacinta Bermingham and Jenny Malone.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Fourteen Presentation College students are setting up their three stands.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Well done to the Fourth and Fifth Year students who took part in last Thursday night’s display of school talent in the GB Shaw Theatre. Presentation College were one of four local schools who took part in a great night’s entertainment by performing an extract from the popular West Side Story.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Fifth Year Tag Rugby
On Mon. Dec. 5th the Fifth Year girls tag rugby team played a team from Tullow C.S.. Tullow won the game , however the Presentation girls learned a lot and are definitely improving as they get more game play.