Author: Presentation College
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The Park opened in 2007 and is a non-profit, social-community enterprise. They protect and study some beautiful 80 acres of woodland, complete with two picturesque lakes, which makes it an ideal place to study both land and water-bound animals.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
A small part of Carlow was transformed into Dickensian London over the weekend as Presentation College staged the classic musical, ‘Oliver!’ The stunning performances from Second, Transition and Fifth Year students brought the house down with ...
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Presentation College has produced some fantastic performances in Athletics this year. At the beginning of the year, students competed in the first two stages of the Three Counties League where there were notable performances from the Minor Boys, Junior Gi ...
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
All Second Year students attended the local IMC cinema to see 'Suffragette'. Students are currently studying the concept of Democracy in CSPE class so this film about the struggle of women in Britain to fight for their right to vote in elections was the p ...
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
During the first term, Transition Years from Presentation College travelled as a group to Westport in Mayo to face the challenge of climbing the mighty Croagh Patrick.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
We have recently welcomed Mlle Anissa Naoui from Roanne in France to our school. Mlle Naoui is working with all French students for the academic year to help enhance their learning of French. She will provide students with a wealth of cultural and c ...
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The Sixth Year Higher Level English classes in Presentation College took a trip to The Helix in Dublin, where they enjoyed the Second Age Theatre Company production of Shakespeare’s great tragedy, King Lear. The trip presented a fantastic opportunit ...
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Four students form Presentation College participated in the first round of Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh in Cistercian College, Roscrea recently. The students who participated performed very well and were accompanied by their ...
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Students from the Transition Year 1 class, along with their teacher Ms Edel Murphy, visited the ‘Jacket off your Back' warehouse on the Athy Road on Tuesday, 13th October. Whilst there, students met with Kevin Kelly and his wife Sue who are the foun ...
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
On Tuesday, 13th October the Transition Year students attended a talk in Carlow I.T. entitled "Hidden Secrets from the World of Dr. Maths." Steve Humble, from Newcastle University, believes that the fundamentals of maths can be taught via practical e ...