Author: Presentation College
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Chess Club meets every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch time in Room 4. No need to bring anything. All welcome!
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Training for First and Second Year girls Camogie on Wednesday after school. Contact Ms Kinsella.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The first meeting of the year takes place today in Room 20 from 1:20 - 1:50. New members welcome. We will begin working on the 'Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste' Theme.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The first meeting of the Student Council this year takes place at 1:30 in Room 2. All Class Reps from last year must attend. The new Student Council will be in place at the end of October.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Any boys interested in playing under 19 soccer for the school please go to Room 35 at 1:05 today for sign up.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
The Senior Ladies got off to a great start. Well done to our Senior Ladies Football team who started their Leinster Championship campaign with a win over Portlaoise College. Great football played by both teams on a very sunny day. Scoreline 7:17 - 1:7 Click on the heading for more photos.

Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
There will be Senior Boys Football training after school on Wednesday.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Junior and Senior students interested in playing Cricket are welcome to meet Ms King at the Gym (upstairs) at 1:10 today for more information.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
A meeting will take place today in Room 12 for students registered to play Golf.
Presentation College Carlow School Blog - Presentation College
Ms Bradley's First Year Science students receiving their Bunsen Burner Certificates. #ScienceIsFun @Oide_Science @Ceist_Trust