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75 post(s) found

Equality Week 2024

Our Student Council in Presentation College spent last week highlighting the importance of equality in our everyday lives. With the help of our Equality Officer Nothabo in Third Year many students took part in a video displaying messages of equality and what it means for each one of us in our school community. All enjoyed the video on Friday morning.. We were reminded that equality is about realising that we all have differences but taking into account that our rights should be the same. Photo: Student Council Members! Click on the heading for more photos.

Handbags / Sac à main / Handtaschen / torebka

Eight of our current Third Year students will travel to India with the Hope Foundation next October. As part of their fundraising efforts they will run a Handbag stall at the Presentation College Car Boot Sale on Sunday 5th May. If you have any unwanted handbags at home that you would be willing to donate, we would be most delighted. There will be a box in the staffroom for any donations or they can be dropped to Ms Murphy in room 11. Reduce - Reuse - Recycle!

Seachtain na Gaeilge - Staff and Student Video

☘️☘️☘️  VIDEO LINK  Seachtain na Gaeilge has well and truly kicked off here in The Presentation College, Carlow. A range of fun-filled activities have been planned to get everyone involved in celebrating our culture. A selection of TY students, along with the Irish Department here in Pres have been working very hard to create this video to promote our wonderful language. This video is to promote our students and staff to use their "cúpla focal" and ultimately to "Bí bródúil as!". ☘️☘️☘️  Sixth Years enjoyed Geandáil Gasta' in the library ahead of their béaltrialacha Gaeilge next week. On Friday there will be a Seachtain na Gaeilge no uniform day in aid of the HOPE Foundation. 

Our Semaine Française was a Great Success

Our Semaine Française was a great success once again this year in Presentation College, Carlow. From First to Sixth Year every student was encouraged to engage in an array of fun learning activities aimed at promoting the French language and Culture in our school.  Click on the heading for more photos and information.
