German students had a day of activities in the school library organised by the Transition Years. Slide show
Just before Easter we had a German Day for German students throughout the school. The day began with the First Years, followed by Seniors and then Second and then Third Years. This was organised by Ms Byrne and her Transition Years. In advance of the day several Transition Years were involved in making boards to decorate the library. The library was decorated with German, Austrian and Swiss flags and bunting. Activities planned included Bingo, Quizzes about Germany, Easter and the EU. Michael Duke and Seamus Bible prepared and hosted an interesting quiz on Germany. This was through English. Students also enjoyed EU and Easter quizzes on Kahoot through German. During the day all students enjoyed waffles, which were sprinkled with a mixture of icing sugar and cinnamon. There were also pretzels, German sweets and of course lots of easter eggs for prizes. Transition Year students also painted the faces of some of the students in the colours of the German flag.
There was some German music and popular songs as well as several tongue twisters - sweets were awarded to all who were able to say these. Many students enjoyed having their faces painted, although there was little time as the schedule was very busy. The Transition Years also chatted to the Junior students in German asking them their names, ages and about their hobbies and interests.
Thanks to all the Transition Years who helped in the preparations and on the day. It was a great success, and we plan on organising a week next year.

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