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Latest News from the College
Term: Technology
21 post(s) found

Mr. O'Neill Retires after 39 Years of Service and Dedication to Presentation College.

Students and staff gathered  in the Sports Hall today to wish Mr. O'Neill all the very best in his retirement. Principal - Mr. Murray,  Head Boy - Gavin Bradley and Head Girl - Clare Miller paid tribute to Mr. O'Neill on behalf of the students of Presentation College. More information and photos to follow.

Annual Prize-Giving Awards Ceremony 2022

Our Annual Awards Prize-Giving Ceremony took place recently to recognise all the achievements by our students both academically and through extra-curricular activities throughout the year.
The awards ranged from Sporting Achievements, Musician of the Year, Student of the Year, AILO/AIPO, Student Council, CEIST, Bridin Quinn, Amanda O'Mahony Memorial German Award.
It was very uplifting to recognise the continuous hard work being done by all our staff and students both inside and outside of the classroom, particularly during a most difficult year.

We congratulate all our worthy award winner recipients and thank them for always representing themselves and our school with such pride and honour. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.  Click HERE for information on the awards and photos.

Scohlarship Winners

Jan 11 2022

Congratulations to two of our former students on being awarded an academic scholarship for the academic year 2021/22 by Institute of Technology Carlow. The Scholarship Winners are: Nurlan Kennedy, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in TV and Media Production and Jack Nulty, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Games Development. Leaving Certificate Year: 2021. We are delighted to celebrate their success and wish them all the best in their studies and future.

Presentation College Reach World F1 Finals for Second time!

Apr 30 2012
Presentation College had another excellent day at the National F1 in schools finals On Thursday 25th April.
The School retained its Title as Junior Champions, with Synergy Racing . Raptor Racing were awarded second place . The school also won Best Innovation and Best engineered car. The Highlight of the day was the Senior teams Second place.. and the opportunity to represent Ireland in the World Finals !!
  Congratulations to all team members who continue to excel in this area.

F1 in Schools National Finals

Apr 23 2012
This week our Formula 1 teams are busy preparing for the National Finals of the F1 in Schools competition in Griffith College Dublin. We wish Team Raptor Racing, Synergy F1 and Elite Racing the best of Luck , and congratulate them on all their hard work so far.
March 2025