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Latest News from the College
Term: Event
63 post(s) found

Darkness Into Light

May 11 2020
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Darkness into Light event in aid of Pieta House this weekend. Our GoFundMe page is still active on until Thursday evening. We are delighted to say that €1,685 has been raised for Pieta House by our school.

We have put together a short video of the images sent in from staff and students to mark our school community's response. It's a lovely reflection of the event. If anyone has photos they haven't had a chance to send please do and we can add them in. Click on this link to view our video. DIL_Pres_College_Carlow.mp4 


It is moments like these that draw our school together and made even more poignant by the circumstances.


Darkness Into Light

May 01 2020

May 9th was to be the Darkness into Light event marked by many walks around the world and locally. We invite you to share the message from our YSVP team ‘You are not alone’. We would like our students, staff, family and friends to get involved by participating on May 9th by lighting a candle and taking a photo in support and remembrance. Please send these photos to ... (Click on heading for more information and photo)


Presentation Day

Presentation Sisters and friends of Nano Nagle, all over the world, celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple on the 21st November each year...On Presentation Day students and staff participated in a wonderful mass organised by the Religion and Music departments. Students were involved in all aspects of the mass. Head Girl -  Meadhbh Broderick and Head Boy - Charlie O’Meara welcomed everyone to Askea Church.

Open Evening

Nov 12 2019

On Monday 11 November the staff and students of Presentation College opened their doors to welcome visiting primary school pupils and their parents. The annual 'Open Evening' is always a wonderful opportunity to showcase our school and to meet the next generation of students. On Friday of the previous week all First Year Geography students displayed their projects ...

Blood Brothers

Oct 29 2019
Students from Second, Transition and Fifth Year have been very busy over the last number of weeks preparing for the recent production of Blood Brothers. The production was a staff and student collaboration and we were delighted that all the expertise was to be found from within our school community. Countless hours of hard work, encouragement, rehearsals went into the creation of this year’s School Musical from all of the people involved in the production.....

'Career Paths' Seminar

Oct 13 2019

Last Thursday evening The ‘Career Paths’ Career Seminar took place at Presentation College Askea Carlow. There were 30 Career Areas for the senior cycle students from all the Secondary Schools in the County to choose from. Each student attended three half-hour talks from a selection of thirty.. The career areas were ...

Careers Seminar Rescheduled

Oct 02 2019
Due to adverse weather warnings our Careers Seminar planned for tomorrow has been rescheduled. It will take place on Thursday 10 October.