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Blog: Presentation College Carlow School Blog

Theatre and German Project

Learning German through drama and theatre – a perfect combination. We have just found out that Presentation College has been selected to represent Ireland in a collaborative Theatre Poject, which will involve six countries and culminate in a week-long event in Berlin. We will be part of a group of thirty students, who will come from schools in Germany, Denmark, Finland, Scotland, Sweden and Ireland. One school in each country has been chosen by the Goethe Institute to participate.

German Pen Pal Project

Last week our third parcel from the Anne Frank Realschule in Ahaus, Germany arrived. Eighty-eight students have a pen pal with whom they correspond through both German and English. The German students also write in both languages with the theme of each letter  (Click on heading to read more)

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A Sea of Orange and Positivity

Feb 15 2019
Staff and students once again went all out to remind everyone that it is OK not to feel OK. There was music playing to greet students and staff, positive messages posted into everyone’s locker, orange balloons, face painting, photos shared and special treats for students as they came out of their last mock exam. Well done to everyone involved!

Junior Achievement Ireland and Futurewize Programme

Feb 09 2019

Thirty-two First Year Science students received certificates in Presentation College on completion the five-week Futurwize programme. With hands-on activities, students journey through Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and uncover the future possibilities within Science.



Presentation College Awarded Eco Workshops

Presentation College was selected by Carlow County Council for some very exciting workshops to be given by Eco-Unesco. Last week students enjoyed a very interesting and thought provoking workshop on “Food Waste and Water Security”. This links very well with “Water” which is the current theme we are working on as part of our Green School Programme.

Internet Safety Day

Feb 09 2019

Our Safety Ambassador Gavin Bradley along with Ms. McHugh organised yet another successful Internet Safety Day. The day was a hive of activities, with selfie pictures, posters and displays all reminding students to THINK before they post online: Is it True?  Is it Hurtful?  Is it Illegal?  Is it Necessary?  Is it Kind?


Green School Members Plant Bulbs

Feb 09 2019

Last week Green School members and some new eager Gardeners began to weed the flowerbeds and plant more bulbs in anticipation of spring. The courtyard will soon be blooming with colour.
